Was born in Moscow. Father M. D. Ezuchevskogo — physicist, member of Russian photos of specific companies D. P. Yezuchevsky invented in his time a portable camera for which he received awards at the Geographical exhibition in Venice and the world in Paris. After graduating from the page corps, Michael has resigned. In the early 1900-ies he went to Paris, where he studied painting. He lived in the house of a friend of his father, the famous scientist Jean Elise Reclus. In his work was influenced by Victor Vasnetsov and the artists "World of art". Worked as an artist of various theatrical repertory company. At the beginning of the First world war went a volunteer to the front. Was in captivity on the Terri Tory of Hungary, whence has brought a number of interesting full-scale drawings. In late 1910-ies participated in the competition to design a shape for the red army. Participated in exhibitions of watercolors, drawings and graphics of Russian artists (Moscow gallery Lemercier, 1914), 3rd exhibition of paintings (Ryazan, 1918), an art exhibition "the Red army. 1918 — 1923" (Moscow, 1932), "the Russian revolution in the works of artists" (Moscow, 1926). From 1920 to 1928 as a painter he participated in the creation of the state Darwin Museum in Moscow which houses many of his works, including portraits of Charles Darwin, genetics E. Mendel, naturalist Charles de Lamarca and poet Goethe, who made in biology. All these years collaborated with the publishing house Mirimanova, illustrated books for children. He died in Moscow.
M. D. Yezuchevsky was born in the family of state Councilor, the hereditary nobleman D p Ezuchevskogo, a famous inventor. Mother Anna Andreevna (nee Bernhard) studied at the Moscow Institute for noble maidens, was the cool lady in one of the girls ' schools. After graduating from the cadet corps in 1901 with the rank of ensign, Michael ezuchevsky left in stock. The young man became seriously interested in painting, attended the Studio of painter N.. Martynov together with V. A. by Vataginym and A. F. Kots, and then went to France to study where he graduated from the Paris Academy of arts. The artist repeatedly went and came back again to Paris. He visited Italy, Spain, and North Africa. In these trips, the young artist worked very hard, wrote sketches.
In 1910-e years his works began to appear at exhibitions in Russia. In 1914 he presented his works in a Moscow gallery Lemercier, along with A. P. and V. M. Vasnetsova, I. E. Repin, M. A. Vrubel. One of his early works are preserved in the Museum of Pereslavl-Zalessky. In March 1914, he participated in the national exhibition of Russian artists in the famous Moscow gallery Lemercier, along with P. A. Vasnetsov, V. M. Vasnetsov, I. E. Repin, M. M. by Germasheva, M. A. Vrubel, K. I. Gorbatov. The Newspapers of that time about the work Ezuchevskogo wrote: "Mr. Yezuchevsky in a number of lively and boldly written sketches, moved on the canvas to us live traffic and a sultry temperament distant Spain ,...burning Bizet's melodies. Despite the fact that the artist's palette of only three or four basic colors, with a predominance of black, things it seem colorful. In images of types from the Spaniards and the Spaniards he did not try to make them beautiful. And that is because they breathe truth, and beauty. The best things we'd call "Acquaintance" and "Spanish cabaret"". Another review from the same show: "Close to exclusivity Yezuchevsky. His Spanish and Parisian tempera and pastels are brilliant. They have lots of temperament and movement... ". His early works are in the Museum of Pereslavl-Zalessky, as well as in the Museum of irrelevant art in Moscow (New galleries Central house of artists on Krymsky Val gallery 10). It's pastels and mixed media 1910-1913-ies, However, the artist's fascination was interrupted by the First world war. Yezuchevsky was drafted into the army.
In 1918, Mikhail returned to Moscow, as a member of the Department of protection of monuments of art and antiquities Narcompros. With the assistance of old friend Nicholas D. Bartram, Director of the Museum of toys on Smolensky Boulevard (later the Museum was transferred to Zagorsk), he became a part-time employee of Department of protection of monuments of art and antiquities Narcompros (orders for the protection brought from Petrograd Imperial crew). The same Bartram drew Ezuchevskogo to work at the College of handicraft industry as a teacher of drawing. In the Museum Department Glavnauka 1221 1919 and worked as a research fellow in the Department of decorative arts. Cooperated in the Commission for the study and creation of children's books in the pilot institutions of the people's Commissariat of Education.
Vintage buddy Ezuchevskogo – V. A. Vatagin was offered by A. F. Kotsu to invite the artist to work in the state Darwin Museum. At that time the Museum was lacking master of historical painting and pictorial portrait. A. F. Kots wrote in his diaries about the first years of the creation of the exhibition: "palpable space for the Darwin Museum, designed to reflect in its expeniture not only the laws of animal evolution, but evolutionary and changing attitudes in the field of science itself and the struggle of worldviews. Man as a social phenomenon in the history of science is the problem, vainly waiting for a worthy artist odobritel for the Darwin Museum. And he was, finally, this long and eagerly awaited the artist in 1922 in the person of Mikhail Dmitrievich Ezuchevskogo".
Over ten years of work in the Museum (1920-1928) ezuchevsky created a wonderful series of paintings on the history of science. It's pastels, paintings and murals. ”Subtly, sensitively and vividly he captured the images of the innovators of natural history, depicting man as a historical object, as the bearer of certain views and beliefs”, wrote about the artist in his memoirs of A. F. Kots. Ezuchevskogo delicacy in dealing with historical material, his deep philosophy, generosity colorful stagger the imagination. The expression katsa, ”confident and bold in carrying out a stroke, he is in the handling of paint was sometimes inexpressibly bold: not content with the thick, juicy brushstrokes, Yezuchevsky to transfer the maximum effect produced often paint directly from the tube onto the canvas, skillfully bringing it, especially when writing suits the fancy monograms, borders and patterns.”
In the gallery of portraits of naturalists, created Ezuchevsky, a special place is occupied by the representatives of the Enlightenment. The next series of paintings ezuchevsky devoted life and scientific activity of the great English naturalist Charles Darwin, as well as the outstanding biologists of the Darwinian period. All work, following the logic of the book of Darwin, clearly and convincingly illustrate the proof theory of natural selection. Completes the Darwinian cycle pastel "Darwin before the house Down". Her story is a reflection on the person who has made the greatest discovery.
The main vocation of M. D. Ezuchevskogo was genre painting, so the Museum presents a unique series of paintings depicting scenes from the life of the great naturalists and thinkers of different eras. Heroes of his films were Aristotle, R. bacon, Kepler, N. Copernicus, Galileo, D. Bruno, F. Bacon, I. Newton, G. Leibniz, I. Kant, A. Comte, H. Spencer. About A. F. Kots wrote: "Reveal the harmony of spiritual forms ...thinkers and their external image in the form as they are presented by our artist, would be to give twelve essays twelve moments in the history of culture, is installed in a twelve psycho-fiziologicheskikh or biographical sketches."
Unfortunately, the artist did not finish the series of paintings (1924-25). "the history of the struggle of the Church and science". All ten stories – a great show, with a beginning, a culmination, but not having continuations - in 1928 at the age of 48 years, the artist died. In the words of A. F. cotza he "always left a bright trace in the history of the state Darwin Museum".