A student at the Imperial Academy of arts in 1845 - 1849, was listed as a pupil of F. A. Bruni. 1860 - the academician. Participant of the exhibitions of the Imperial Academy of arts (since 1859) and the society for the encouragement of artists. Member of the Royal Belgian society of watercolorists (since 1857). Was the inspector of the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture (1871-1881).
[28.I(9.II).1826 - 16(28).III. 1893] is the Representative of the realistic trend in Russian and Ukrainian art. Born in the city of Kursk in an old noble family. Childhood years So passed in Ukraine, in the estate of his father - Kharkov landowner. At the age of nine the boy was placed in the Kharkov Board, where later identified in the St. Petersburg military engineering school. After graduating from College he teaches in the class of drawing and architecture and at the same time from 1845 to 1849 he studied in the Academy of fine arts, as volnoprihodyaschim student of the famous F. A. Bruni. In 1849 T. leaves from St. Petersburg, continuing to visit it only sporadically. His permanent residence is becoming a small village Yakovlevka Oboyan district of the Kursk province, which belonged to the mother. In 1858 T. returned to Saint Petersburg, and in the early 1870s he moved to Moscow, where he became inspector of the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture. At the beginning of 1880-x years, left the service. The last years of his life again associated with Yakovlevka. After moving to the estate with his family, the artist lives here until his death, continuing to work on paintings and graphic sheets. Died in Moscow and buried in the former. Oboyan monastery.
T started out as a portrait painter: he is the author of the first portrait of F. M. Dostoevsky during his literary debut and several portraits of Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko. However the greatest popularity was received as the author of genre paintings. For the creation of the painting "Dance in Kursk province" (1860, State. The Tretyakov gallery), was awarded the title of academician. His work is imbued with a love of Russian and Ukrainian peoples ("the Woman with the canvas", from the 1850s, "Whitewashed canvas", 1874, "On the jetty", 1875, "Wedding redemption", 1881, etc., stored in the State. the Museum of Ukrainian fine arts in Kiev), and in some cases are revealing socio-critical in nature ("the Collection of arrears in the village", 1886, State. Museum of Tatarstan, Kazan). So also illustrated the works of prominent Russian poets and writers, collaborated in the satirical magazines. In the Kursk regional art gallery kept his painting "the flood".
Lit.: A. Vereshchagin. K. A. Trutovsky, M., 1955; L. Sleeve. K. O. Trutovsky, Kiev, 1955.