Semenovich Panarin

Russia • 1925−1988

B. in 1925 in D. Molyukov Chelyabinsk region.He died in 1988 in Barnaul.Studied in art Studio at the Palace of culture CTZ.Member of the Union of artists since 1963

Born in S. Molyukov Sosnovsky district of Chelyabinsk region.

Studied at the art Studio in Chelyabinsk

Painter. Worked in the genre of thematic landscape.

Since 1956, the participant of regional, regional, zonal, Republican and all-Union exhibitions, including: 1 all-Russia exhibition "Soviet Russia" 1960, Moscow, the Republican "Blue roads of Russia" 1984, Moscow, etc.

Member of the Union of artists since 1963.

Major works:

"Rooks in the evening" 1970 (GHMC),

"Cedars on the road" 1979 (GHMC),

"First snow" 1981 (GHMC),

"Whale at sunset" 1984 (GHMC),

"The Barents sea. Fishing"1963 (GHMC).

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