Nikolayevich Korbakov

Russia • born in 1922

People's artist of Russia since 1988.

Born in the village of Kazarinov Ust-Cuban district. In childhood was a student of V. V. Timofeev. Graduated from Moscow state art Institute. V. I. Surikov. The participant and the invalid of the great Patriotic war.

Member of the Union of artists of Russia since 1959, honored artist of Russia from 1972 To 1996 in Vologda was established the Fund of the artist "Museum-creative centre of the national artist of Russia V. N. Korbakova".

V. N. Korbakov – the most striking representative of the art of the Vologda region in the twentieth century. For 40 years, he created over 500 completed paintings and drawings. In the 1970-1980-ies has formed an individual creative manner of the artist , based on the expressive-romantic vision of the world in the technique of multi-layered textured painting. In recent years, the artist combines landscape plein air painting, working on thematic, associative and decorative compositions with the development of the classical traditions of painting. The leading place in the works of V. N. Korbakova is sincere, lyrical and romantic or anxiety-a dramatic experience problems, lives and characters of the modern world. The main themes of his works –the Vologda land, its villages and small towns, Vologda, temples and people.

Now lives and works in Vologda. But often Sokolskaya the land which he considers to be his home, and devotes her new paintings. Permanent personal exhibition of the artist in the walls Sokolskaya school of art.

Vladimir Nikolaevich Korbakov was born on 5 Jun 1922 in Russia, in the village of Kazarinov Sokolsky district, Vologda region. Lives and works in Vologda.

Childhood and adolescence were held in Vologda. His first contact with art occurred in the school years: the teenager made friends with a student-restorer of icon-painting in the regional Museum, and through him with the master of miniatures and restorer. After graduating from seven-year school in 1940 he went to study at the Studio at the Union of artists and in 1941 he got a job in the workshop of the Art Fund.

In 1941 Vladimir Korbakov, a volunteer went to the front. In 1942 in fights near Moscow was badly wounded and underwent four operations. Under the threat of amputation was the right hand, but through the efforts of the attending surgeon's hand was saved. After a year and a half of vacation returned to action and served as a sailor in the white sea flotilla. For participation in combat actions of Vladimir Korbakov was awarded the Order of Glory of III degree and the order of the Patriotic war, many medals.

In his free time, he designed posters, wrote murals, repeatedly sent his work on the all-army exhibition Amateur. Seeing the passion of a sailor for the art, the command sent him to the Moscow art school of the disabled of the great Patriotic war, where he studied from 1946 to 1951.

Had to learn under difficult conditions severe of the postwar period, but these years the artist remembers as a time of high hopes and romantic sentiment. I had to make up for lost time, so he worked 12 to 14 hours a day, avidly read books on art and philosophy. In 1951 he graduated with honors from College and became a student of the Moscow state art Institute. V. I. Surikov.

In 1958, the artist returned to Vologda, in 1959 he was admitted to the Union of artists, in 1972 he was awarded the title of honored artist of the RSFSR. Korbakov was one of the founders and a longstanding head (from 1964 to 1977), the Vologda branch of Union of artists of Russia. Was the initiator and head of the Cherepovets of the creative team. It is safe to say that he became the chronicler of Cherepovets steel mill, for which he was awarded the title of Honorable Metallurgist. His idea of the creative teams is widespread in the country that resulted in the creation of 57 such groups from Murmansk to Sevastopol from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok.

Since 1997 Honorary citizen of the city of Vologda.

1998 – people's artist of Russia.

2001 – corresponding member of the Russian Academy of arts.

2002 – awarded the State award "For merits before Fatherland" II degree.

2006 – laureate of the State award of the Vologda region in the field of literature and art for 2005 for the picturesque cycle "Pages of history" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905.

Since 2007 – member of the Russian Academy of arts.

In 2007 he was awarded the Gold medal of the Russian Academy of arts.

At age 85, Vladimir Korbakov full of energy, amazing performance and responsiveness to others. He is always aware of all Affairs, events, plans and problems of the region. It not only hurts, but also despises for the preservation of culture, for the moral welfare of society. The main thing is that Vladimir is always in motion, looking for work.


The creativity of people's artist of Russia Vladimir Nikolaevich Korbakov is one of the most striking manifestations of the traditions and trends of contemporary development of fine art of the Vologda region. It reflected many essential features of stylistics of Russian painting of the second half of the twentieth century. Almost half a century art korbakova is the center of attention of colleagues-artists, experts, Amateurs and collectors of paintings. The artist's works from 1956 on permanent display on large and small art exhibitions of Russia and abroad. Korbakova paintings leave no one indifferent – they talk, argue, write, artist, praise and criticize.

V. N. Korbakov – the most brilliant representative of the fine art of the Vologda region XX century. In its infancy it was close painting of "severe style" of the 1960-ies. In the 1970-1980-ies has formed an individual creative manner of the artist, based on the expressive-romantic vision of the world in the technique of multi-layered textured painting. In the 1990-ies combines plein-air landscape painting, working on thematic, associative and decorative compositions with the development of the classical traditions of painting. The leading place in the works of V. Korbakov is sincere, lyrical and romantic or anxiety-a dramatic experience problems, lives and characters of the modern world. He is faithful to centuries-old traditions of art culture of Russia.

Vladimir Korbakov always been the bold innovator, bold and a passionate seeker of new ways to upgrade the artistic language of contemporary art. In different years he expressed characteristic of the era of fascination with the trends of impressionism, sharp decorative expressiveness of the early Russian avant-garde, socio-psychological acuteness of themes and images of the paintings, new interpretation of world classics. On these paths of constant creative development V. Korbakov always retains the important thing in itself: emotional lyrical experience of the facts of life and art, the solution to all creative problems using the color, plasticity and texture painting, openness to yourself and your art to people.

Korbakov works in almost all genres of painting, based primarily out of a desire to Express the excitement of the soul and convey a bright, unusual visual impressions. He created a big portrait gallery of people – people of different ages, professions and characters. The artist writes specifically-narrative, the historical and conditional associative pattern and composition. His still lifes acutely decorative, festive, fancy. Always starting from the specific nature, Korbakov transforms it, imbuing personal emotionality and richness of nuances.

All the years of his creative work Vladimir Korbakov drawn to landscape painting. They created a series of open-air lectures and finished landscape compositions "My Vologda", "Northern Magnitogorsk", "road of Lomonosov", "Bow to native land", "ancient towns of the Vologda region" in which the vigilance of the field of vision of a motif combined with a tempestuous artistic temperament of the painter and high quality of painting. In his landscapes he seeks to Express "the spirit of place" - a cute cozy streets and courtyards of the old Vologda, scope and power of the rivers, lakes and roads of the Russian North, the harsh grandeur of the monuments.

The whole life of V. N. Korbakova connected with the Vologda land. More than half a century of labor made about 1,000 paintings and drawings. Works of the artist are in the Tretyakov gallery, State historical Museum, the Central Museum of the great Patriotic war on Poklonnaya hill in Moscow, the landscape Museum in Plyos on the Volga and in many cities of Russia (Tver, Petrozavodsk, Tyumen, Syktyvkar). The largest collection is kept in the Vologda regional picture gallery.

Creative plans of the artist are inextricably linked to developments in the country, be it past or present.

In 2004 the artist created a large series of "Pages of history" for the 100th anniversary of the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905, including a 70 paintings, including a portrait gallery of admirals and senior naval officers, sailors and soldiers of the fortress of Port Arthur; genre paintings depicting scenes of battles and different moments of the war, the landscapes of the Far East and Port Arthur.

His works from this series, the artist demonstrated not only in Vologda, but demonstrated them in Japan, where he was invited on an official visit to participate in the international Symposium (Sino-American-Russian), dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905. In the framework of this event and was a personal exhibition of V. Korbakov, compiled from the works on the Russo-Japanese war.

Partially work from this series was shown on the cruiser "Aurora" in St. Petersburg, as the cruiser was a participant in those past events. For all history of existence of the cruiser it was the first exhibition of painting works carried out on its territory.

In 2006 Vladimir Korbakova had written a series of paintings dedicated to the memory of Nikolai Rubtsov and mark the 70th anniversary of the birth of this great Russian poet. The work was written by the master during his summer open air in their homes Rubtsov – in the city of tot'ma and Nikolskoye village (Vologda region).

S. M. Korbakov,

head of the Museum-creative centre "the House korbakova"

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