Petrovich Litvinsky

Russia • 1927−2009

Biography and information

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

(D. R. on the list WAH - 1927.11.07). Thesis in the CVC - "evpatiy Kolovrat", rating is good. The training took place at the picturesque faculty, qualification of the artist painting.

Born in 1927 in Leningrad.

In 1955 he graduated from the Repin Institute of arts in them. Repin, workshop of R. R. Frentz. He studied p. P. Belousova, I. S. Sorokin, I. P. Stepashkin.

Member of the Union of artists since 1955.

Honored artist of Russia since 1966.

He was Provost at the school. Mukhina (SPb); the Academy of sculpture and architecture (under the hands. Glazunov), currently General counsel of the rector of the Institute. Surikov, head. the preparatory Department.

The work of P. P. Litvinsky are in public and private collections in Russia, USA, Spain, Italy, Greece, Switzerland, CIS, and other countries.

Wrote historical and genre compositions, portraits, landscapes, still lifes, sketches from life.

Manner 50 -60 years are distinguished by a vigorous stroke, rich color, mastery of plein air and skilful transfer of tonal relations. Further enhanced by decorative painting, local color and constructive role of colour, expressive pattern.

His paintings can be seen at the Soviet Embassy in Madrid. About 400 works purchased by the Museum of Modern art in Spain.

The painting "Karakatsanis" (national hero of Greece.) Presented by the President of Russia V. V. Putin the President of Greece in 2002.

"Kolovrat" Litvinsky - hero of Russian history in the struggle against the Khan Batu purchased by the Committee on Ecology, State Duma of Russia.

One of the most ambitious and largest works of the artist – the triptych "Kulikovo" (1980), 12х3 meter (acquired by a large Bank of Russia).