Spiridonovich Logvinenko

Russia • born in 1944

Biography and information

Born in the city of Volodarsk Kokchetav region (Kazakhstan). Member of the Union of artists since 1977 Participated in the exhibitions since 1976. Works are in Dnepropetrovsk art Museum.

Thesis in the CVC - "IN the liberated village", the evaluation - excellent. The training took place at the picturesque faculty, qualification of artist-painter, teacher.

Born January 17, 1944 in Kazakhstan. In 1950 the family returned to Dnepropetrovsk.

In 1964 completes the Dnepropetrovsk art College.

In 1975 the brilliant end of St. Petersburg state academic Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. I. E. Repin ( workshop Manager - O. D. Zaytsev)

Since 1978 member of the Union of artists

Logvinenko E. S. artist of wide creative interests. He works in the field of thematic paintings on historical and modern subjects. Works in different genres, especially has the attraction to the story picture. The subjects of his work varied from the real events of modern paintings to mythological subjects, from the highly spiritual biblical compositions to creativity in the style of "romantic grotesque". However, he is free to choose the size of their compositions. Thematic painting he writes like a monumental canvas, according to the size and artistic style wide task viraat and free stroke. This is typically the landscapes in which new way is disclosed coloristic and compositional talent of the artist. A great place in such works is Crimea. In these paintings he achieves the effect of opening and depth of the space, which usually inhabits people, making it a beautiful family scene paintings.


1976. - Second national prize and the prize Petrovsky T. I.

1978. - The first national award and prize N. Ostrovsky.

1978. - Gold medal for the cycle of paintings on historical and modern subjects

Published in various journals of Ukraine, Russia.

Painter Logvinenko E. S. - the participant of regional, Republican, all-Union and foreign exhibitions.

Since 1990 the artist's paintings are exhibited in Austria, England, Hungary and Canada.

In 1992 part of the work, by purchasing the collection of the Taiwan Museum, "The Dragon Museum of Art" in exhibition "Russian painting" in Singapore, Hong Kong,Tokyo, Beijing etc.

1994 personal exhibition in Dnepropetrovsk "50 years"

1996 participation in the exhibition "Ukrainian realism impressionism" in London

1999 personal exhibition at the canadian Embassy in Moscow

2000 "Christian" exhibition in Kiev

2000 personal exhibition, devoted to 2000 anniversary of Christianity

2001 participation in exhibition "Contemporary history painting" in Kiev

Picture Logvinenko E. S. purchased by the Ministry of culture of Ukraine (Russia) , the Dnepropetrovsk art Museum, the Taiwan Museum "The Dragon Museum of Art" . Galleries and in private kollekcionery Europe, Canada, Japan, Brazil and etc.

  • Learning
  • Teacher