Thesis in the CVC - "Spring", the rating is good. The training took place at the picturesque faculty, qualification of artist-painter.
Born in 1938 in Sverdlovsk. Painter, muralist, graphic artist, theater and film, the sculptor.
In 1957 graduated from Sverdlovsk art College, in 1963 the Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. I. E. Repin in Leningrad.
From 1964 to 1966 he worked in the creative workshop under the guidance of a teacher of V. M. Oreshnikov.
Since 1964 participates in national and international exhibitions (more than 150 exhibitions, 5 of them solo).
Since 1966 - member of the Union of artists of Russia. Repeatedly awarded diplomas of the Ministry of culture, winner of them. G. S. Mosin prize of Sverdlovsk region Governor for the series of paintings "Mythological and biblical cycle."
In 2003 awarded the title "Honored artist of Russia".
Early works of H. Meteleva imbued with poetic perception of the world. In search of forms of artistic expression, he, like many of his contemporaries, uses the visual metaphor. The form of a parable, the allegory could not be better suited for the expression of eternal universal feelings and ideas. Philosophical meaning-filled self-portraits of the artist. In "self Portrait (the Road)", Metelev has depicted himself twice: the image of the centaur, pulling a cart loaded to the brim with paintings, and the image of the rider riding on the back of a centaur. Thus, the artist carries himself, and his burden heavy. Angel with cross in hand – the messenger of the heavens - bless the life and creative path of the master. In this work, the City of Metelev emphasizes its purpose as an artist who, in his opinion, is the embodiment of divine ideas on earth. Symbolic "self-Portrait" (1973) and "self-Portrait (Between angel and devil)" (1975), where the artist depicts the eternal struggle between good and evil in his soul - the border between them runs through every human heart. But good wins in the artist's soul for demonic fire stairs down, and the Golden angel stairs lead straight into the sky, to God.
G. Metelev wrote a number of works on biblical and mythological subjects ("Pontius Pilate", "Golgotha", "the foot Washing", "judgment of Paris", etc.), relating a story of conflict myth with modern life and modern problems. So there is in his works the duality of reality and imagination. Trying to establish a connection between these categories, the artist does not always achieve harmony, hence the verbosity in some of his canvases, saturated to the limit of the semantic layers, meanings, synonyms ("Weekdays of Calvary" (triptych based on the novel by M. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita"), etching, 1974). The artist listened to the different voices inside of his mind. This disagreement clearly sounds a major chord – the establishment of high humanistic ideals, their universal essence.
The author did not share the kinds of fine art on main and secondary, and choose different techniques and materials to implement plan – easel and monumental painting, book and easel graphics, bookplates, mosaic, sculpture, scenography. His works include mosaic murals at the Ural state University. Gorky, interior design of the Yekaterinburg circus, the press House, famous for his paintings in the Yekaterinburg Museum of art "Lermontov. 1841". But mainly it was the creation of genre paintings. Most of his works is striking virtuosity of knowledge of painting techniques, and they are filled with specific substantive meaning. The artist is faithful to its core task: the approval of the chief values of life, the formulation of human problems. G. Metelev – the artist-philosopher.
The works of H. Meteleva are in museums of Ekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Chita, Vladivostok, Orenburg, Perm, Kurgan, and in private collections of Switzerland and Czechoslovakia.