Mikhailovich Romanovich

Russia • 1894−1968

Biography and information

Painter, graphic artist. In 1908-17 studied at MUZHVZ..Kasatkina, A. Arkhipov, V. baksheeva, L. Pasternak, S. Ivanov, 1917-18 K. Korovin and P. Kuznetsov. Since 1913 has participated in art exhibitions. In 1922-25, one of the organizers and member of the society "Makovets", in 1924 - the "Donkey's tail". Was influenced by M. F. Larionov. In 1922-29 he taught in Moscow. hood. universities. From the 1930s went almost hood. "underground." Paintings on ancient mythological and the Gospels ("IO and Argus", early 1930s), still lifes, etc.

(1894, Moscow – 1968, ibid.)

Russian Soviet artist, one of the most significant painters of the circle of "Makovets" (member from 1921). Member of the monumental section of the Moscow artists ' Union (since the early 30-ies).

In 1912 – 1918 he studied at the School of painting, sculpture and architecture. Under the influence of M. F. Larionov has first adjoined to the futuristic avant-garde, participated in the exhibition "Donkey's tail" (1912).

In his programmatic article "On realism" (the second issue of the magazine "Makovets", 1922) put forward the concept of "realism in a higher sense, in contact with the prophecy

and coming from the moral and luminous human nature". From that time tended to be religious symbolism, advocated for the art of synthesis of form and meaning, based on the living religious experience. Also wrote many wonderful color portraits

and flower still-lives. Not being able to present on public display any of their "cherished" works, R. from the late 1920-ies ceased to participate in exhibitions. Earning a living as an educator, designer, public interiors, and in 1960-e years – as the manufacturer of sculptural busts and tombstones.

Left great pictorial, graphic and literary heritage (part of the article about Larionov, Bromirski, GE, van Gogh, letters). The artist's works are in many museums, including the Karakalpak GMI im.And.In.Savitsky.

  • Artworks liked by
    6 users
  • Artworks in 1 collection and 6 selections
  • Styles of art
    Abstractionism, Avant-garde, Art Nouveau, Rayonism
  • Techniques
  • Art forms
  • Subjects
    Still life, Landscape, Portrait, Nude, Mythological scene
  • Artistic associations
  • Learning