Born October 17, 1926 in Tula. He graduated from the Moscow Secondary Art School, where he studied from 1939 to 1945.
The artist soon found himself as a creative person, having defined his calling for years, for life. In 1951 he graduated from the painting department of the Moscow Art Institute. IN AND. Surikov.
This person is characterized by high professionalism of the Master of his craft. The coloristically subtle vision of the world, revealed by the artist in the close to the heart-related motifs of Chuvashia’s nature, sheds a dim quiet light, illuminating the dark sides of life. His art warms the soul, awakens the love of life, revives humanity, helps his sensitivity to feel a surge of strength.
Creative, tireless activity alternated with public: Mikhail Fedorovich taught at the Cheboksary Art School (1951 - 1962), at the art-graphic faculty of the Chuvash State Pedagogical Institute. AND I. Yakovlev was a senior lecturer and dean (1967 - 1969), head of the drawing department (since 1978), assistant professor (1981). In 1961 he joined the Union of Artists of the USSR, and in 1976 he became a candidate of pedagogical sciences.
Mikhail Fedorovich Kharitonov led an extensive exhibition activity. He was a participant of the Republican, Regional and All-Russian exhibitions. An outstanding painter died on December 26, 1996, leaving behind the grief and fond memories of the people around him, many paintings, most of which adorn the foundation of the Chuvash State Art Museum. I remember with gratitude an artist and an excellent teacher.