Schedule. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.
People's artist of the Armenian SSR Rudolf Khachatryan Borisovich was born in 1937 in Yerevan. His childhood was hard, it had the harsh war and postwar years. The family had no points of contact with professional artistic life and very little interesados art. All this could hardly blagopriatnoe the formation of the artist. Meanwhile, the boy was interested in drawing, hobby very soon turned into a real passion, and at the age of eighteen years, the Rudolf Khachatryan presented his graphic works at the national exhibitions.
Khachatryan studied at the famous Armenian painter and sculptor Ervand Kochar. His creative development has had on 1960-e years when there were active renewal of artistic traditions.
Rudolf Khachatryan-singing lines. This feature of the artist said the honored artist of the RSFSR S. V. Yamshchikov:,,Simple clear line drawings Khachatryan turns into a universal means by which he is able to Express the wealth of the world, subtle shades of human emotions.
Khachatryan intentionally usagnet problem, depriving their heroes specifically they svojstvenny domestic relations with reality-the subject of colours and accessories. Those krajno sparingly and thoughtfully selected items that are present in the portraits Khachatryan 1970-ies, least of all contribute to a straightforward explanation of any other character. Simple, kazlų, pencil drawing translates into sometimes dramatic story about a person; each portrait Khachaturian is a reflection of the artist about the time, about the meaning and destiny of life, nectarinia fundamental spiritual values. The story unfolded by the action of not attracted to Khachatryan, is that he will turn to him, as it may seem strange, in his large still lifes; plot indefinites with the personality of a particular person, model, artist looking for inspiration in the opportunity to Express themselves in the character and psychology of the depicted person. He seemed to be ancient filosofskomu setting: man is the measure of all things; the viewer, following the artist finds in his images of the complex manifestations of our reality in them crystallized, poetichesky a meaningful way.
Stress to a more complete identification of the model, the artist resorts to a kind of theatricality, in particular postretiremen dress up in costumes from different eras. In the associative range of his creative thought a portrait of the particular person also turns into a kind of Novella-pricto. Takovi ,,a portrait of the ethnographer L. A. Abrahamian(1976), ,,portrait of a man(1977), ,,Judith(1976) and Salome(1977), ,, portrait of the wife(wearing a shawl with tassels and wearing a wreath of wild flowers, 1973) and others. First of Khachaturian's works were shown in Moscow at the exhibition of works of artists from the Caucasus, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the USSR, where they were allotted a separate stand. The young artist was noticed by the artistic community. Personal exhibition of works by Khachaturian were held in Leningrad(1979), Odessa(1976), Moscow(1978,1984), Yerevan(1980,1983) and enjoyed great success.
Chart Khachaturian has always been characterized by monumentality, and not slychaino in her similarities with the Armenian stones-tombstone-cross-stones. Another property of creativity Khachatryan inspired him to work on gesso-peculiar artist obozhestvleniju man, for man, for him is the undeniable center of the universe.
A peculiar method of drawing Khachatryan on gesso. He never creates in advance to come to the show and privine-estestvennaya his form, which could then details to reproduce. In traditional work, for example, over Zhivopisny work, there is a temporary sequence: create podmalevka, the overlay layer after layer of colors, more details, glazing. From Khachaturian's all these stages of work are like; imagining the General outline of the whole, it's specific that can not be subsequently finalizing details, and so detail by detail, like carving out of marble, represents the plane of the Board his work. In connection nesoedinimoe Khachatryan-drawing with gesso-is a unique shape, the sharpness, giving the chart a completely new quality, a sense of three-dimensionality and the impression of polychrome, despite the fact that you are working in one colour pen.
And his characters do not seem to be used by the heroes of ancient legend, this lively, full-blooded people. The work on the portrait is complicated by the fact that the artist is increasingly moving to the depiction of the figure as a whole, almost the size of nature. Khachatryan was not inclined sharply pozdravitel landscape from still life. For him it is an expression of the same phenomenon. Painted in his Studio still lifes are reminiscent of the big world of nature that exists outside the Windows; sometimes in his paintings, in a very straightforward thing on the table space was combined with the houses and trees outside the window and the distant sky.
Life takes on a special value in the works of the artist, and it is transmitted to the viewer. In the works of Khachaturian, fully paired with the reality laid down a great vitality. The entire human world is the world of the artist.