Nikolaevich Shishov

Russia • 1883−1957

Biography and information

He studied painting at the academicians S. Yu. Zhukovsky, M. V. Nesterov , A. I. Chirkov. He traveled twice to Italy to improve his skill. In addition to painting, he studied sculpture at the famous Italian sculpture Carlo Sacconi. Together they worked to create a monument to the first king of a United Italy to Victor Emmanuel. The competition monument, Sacconi won first prize. It is molded and set in Rome at the Palazzo Venezia. Currently at its foot is the tomb of the Unknown soldier.

A. N. Shishov was a member of the Association of the late artists , the Wanderers, has repeatedly exhibited his work at their exhibitions. Two-storey wooden outbuilding on the banks of the Klyazma river was turned into a Studio .

In Lukino-VARINO often come to the teachers and friends of Alexander Nikolayevich: M. V. Nesterov , V. N. Sacks, S. Yu. Zhukovsky, V. V. Perov, V. K. Byalynitsky-Birula. In the family albums Sichovyh preserved photographs of these artists in Lukin in the 1890-ies. One of them, M. V. Nesterov runs over the Central part of the triptych "the Labours of St. Sergius". Him posing A. I. Chirkov and A. N. Shishov. Probably Lukin went Byalynitsky-Birula on the infamous commemorative road of exiled convicts to write his "Vladimirka". S. Y. Zhukovsky immortalized on the canvas, "Lukinsky ponds".

"Geese on Veronica" is one of the paintings by A. N. Shishova. This painting is a pain for our nature, for the lost river with crystal-clear water, which has long been a party to overfly migratory birds.

A. N. Shishov, member of the Union of artists of the USSR. They created and installed the bas-relief adorning one of the houses on Kotelnicheskaya embankment in Moscow. In 1934-35gg. he worked on the restoration and design of the Park in the estate of Glinki. In the years 1937-39 on the design of the Soviet pavilions at International exhibitions in new York and Paris, the design of the Soviet era. He created the project of the Memorial on Poklonnaya hill in honor of the expulsion from Russia of the French army in 1812. Before consideration of the draft at that time, the case was never brought. A. N. Shishov died 12 may 1957.

(from an article by A. Erofeev "City Losino-Petrovsky and its surroundings")