Vasilievich Shumov

Russia • 1827−1905

Biography and information

Born Nikolai in 1827, in the village of Solotcha Ryazan region (Where I came from was Professor graver Pozhalostin), and by birth belonged to the farm tax class. Original art education he received in Solotchinskaya icon Studio of the monastery, under the leadership of a simple master-painters; but, being by nature endowed with outstanding artistic abilities, he soon began to notice shortcomings in the work of their leaders and naturally began to seek seeking the best examples of artistic creativity. Using moral and material support of some persons of the brethren Solotchinskaya monastery, Nikolai, like the genius of the peasant-Pomor, M. V. Lomonosov, almost without any funds sent to Petrograd, and there, having passed the test in the art to hold the pencil, entering the number of pupils of the Imperial Academy of Arts (1850-1853 gg).

Choosing your specialty - painting historical and portrait, Nikolai worked at the Academy under the guidance of the famous Professor of historical and religious painting of Alexei Tarasovich Markov (1802-1878 g) and was one of the harder and the ability of his disciples.

Full Biography as set forth in article A. Sobchaka "the Artist Nikolai Noise" to the 10 anniversary of the death.

Painter, had the title of artist of the Imperial Academy of Arts, was one of the most capable pupils of Professor of historical and religious painting of A. T. Markov. In 1857 he settled in Ryazan, two years later opened the icon-painting and iconostasis workshop on the street of the Seminary, the fame of which soon dispersed not only in the Ryazan province, but all over Russia; at the same time gave lessons in icon painting in the Ryazan theological Seminary (1870 - 1904). They painted the iconostasis in the Church of the Holy virgin in a Diocesan school. His three daughters graduated from the Diocesan school: Alexander (1864) in 1882, Maria (02.01.1867) - in 1885, and Catherine (21.11.1874) - in 1892.

Ryazan painter. Tatiana Sinelnikova. From the website "History, culture and traditions of the Ryazan region"

In 1915 in the printing Fraternity Basil of Ryazan, a book A. Sachkova "the Artist Nikolai Noises" about our famous fellow artist, iconographer Nikolai Vasilievich Sumave. The author is lecturer at Ryazan theological Seminary, candidate of theology, councillor of state Alexander Nikolaevich Sachkov knew Nikolai in 1888 when he was appointed teacher of Holy Scripture in the Ryazan theological Seminary. By the time Nikolai Shumov 10 years conducted its academic activities for the class of icon painting, graduating in 1853 the Imperial Academy of Arts.

The book is about Somova came 10 years after his death, the subsequent 28 August 1905, Why the publication is so late, it's hard to say. Perhaps the village is not immediately able to understand what loss they suffered, what a beautiful and talented person is gone, because the icons of noise was not only in many churches in Ryazan and other dioceses, but many people in their homes. Perhaps taking place in the country and province events were the cause. Was 1905.

Book Sachkova about Sumava is the fruit of many years of author's collection of materials about a remarkable man, talented artist, painter. From our archival sources it is known that in 1915 Zabchekov appealed to the younger son Nikolay Vasilyevich Anatoly Somovu with a request in writing to talk about his former father the vision of the Reverend elder Seraphim of Sarov when he was in Diveevo monastery for the creation of the icon-painting workshop. And it happened so.

After graduating from the Academy with the rank of artist, Noises took part in one of the exhibitions of paintings, where his work drew the attention of high-ranking officials. After the successful execution of one of the orders of his teachers for themselves and their children invited the daughter of the Emperor Nicholas, the Dowager Duchess Leuchtenberg Maria. She subsequently contributed to the business of noise in Diveevo monastery for the organization there is a school of icon painting. It was in 1854. There happened a remarkable event, which he remembered all his life. On arrival in Diveevo, the Noise soon fell ill with malaria and was in for a great time in exhausting fever. Being in this state, he vouchsafed, as they say, to see the elder Seraphim of Sarov, who took him firmly by the hand entered the stage unseen to them until this time of the temple. This shaking of the elder woke up the artist. In the evening he decided to go to the temple to the vigil, surprising everyone with his desire, as his was not the best, but he told them about the vision. Imagine his surprise when he entered the temple, I have seen them in my dreams! Abbess of the monastery appealed to Somovo with an offer to drink some water from the source of St. Seraphim of Sarov. He drank and was healed. Here about this case and asked Zabchekov son Nikolai. After all, it's difficult for us to believe in a miracle, apparently, and then needed any confirmation that Zabchekov and received from the son, otherwise he would this fact not included in the book.

In addition, Alexander was asked " ... to tell in a brief written statement of few data on the relation of Your deceased parent to the ladies of the Royal House. This information is necessary for me to conceived me a short biography of Your late parents...". The letter was signed on 15 August 1915 the next day at 1 PM Sobchak went to Anatoly Nikolaevich to the audit chamber, where he served as a senior auditor and obtained the necessary information.

It was not an isolated case, when the Lord has helped Somovu - painter: in April 1864 in the family of his had a daughter who was sick from birth. Father is very worried about her health and not once asked for a prayer from the heart of the Holy Prince Roman (Ryazan), the icon which he wrote for the Ryazan diocese, help for daughter. And the feast day of St. the doctor who treated the girl used a new medication and she recovered. Another case happened to him when he was working at a height in one of the temples, fell into the hole from a height of 10 fathoms on a pavement. Drop it was so successful that he had fallen, crashed, and rose immediately to his feet. Nikolai long standing, motionless, until the Church warden took him by the hand and with difficulty pulled and didn't lay in bed. After a sound sleep Noise arose well and unharmed.

He recalled a case when he was chased the robbers on the road from S. Ukholovo, where he completed his work in the temple. "See and know, that you're a good man, and good, and therefore refuse to follow you"- overheard from robbers when their horses are tired from the pursuit, and the Noise continued to drive his horses. All this was told by the artist to friends and family, which he was very much. It was a really decent man who has dedicated his life to icon painting. How many icons he has written for free, but took a tiny price, how many churches and homes were the faces of the saints, written by his talented hand! The magnificent iconostasis of the Seminary of the temple, icons and paintings of the Ryazan churches: Diocesan school, Elias, Nicholas, presentation, icons of the Trinity Church in Novo-Aleksandrovskaya Sloboda, the iconography of monasteries and churches not only of the Ryazan province, but Moscow, Petrograd, Voronezh, Kharkov, Kursk, etc. provinces. Many of the icons already there, but something else has survived. And this, in the first place, the icon of St. Basil of Ryazan!

Book Zabchekov was very interesting, exciting, unexpected, especially for those who will read it now. But there's little information about the family of the artist: in his publication the author is more about creativity noise. There were no data about his family: his father, mother, brothers and sisters, children. Even the date of birth is listed only in the year 1827 in the village of Solotcha Ryazan district. "At birth he belonged to the tax-paying class" - we read in this biography.

Archival searches of the date of birth of Nicholas of noise on the village Solotcha, which included the village of Rykovo, zabor'e (revizsky fairy tales and metric books) gave the following results: in the period from 1824 to 1830 the father named Basil had been born only one Nicholas. The fact is that up to 1858, this village in the registers indicated only the father's name without surname, name of mother no. Those materials which already viewed, you can build a version that only Nicholas, son of Vasil, born 3 Dec, 1826, baptized at the same time, and became the famous painter with the surname of Noise.

The roots of this one of Nikolai leave in a very distant past. His great-grandfather Peter (the great) was in Solotcha monastery Builder and recorded in the revizsky fairy tale за1795 on the village of Solotcha second. He died in 1790, leaving a young wife with children, which married the second time of Solotcha in D. Rykov, for a farmer, bears him another daughter.

In RGIA, fond of the Imperial Academy of arts in the individual case Shumova N. In. a discharge certificate, the Ryazan Ryazan craft Council shop for free admission to the Imperial Academy of Arts. Solotcha village was famous for the fact that there had its own icon painting school and her best representative was the Noise.

And still the interesting fact from the biography of Nikolai, as he comes from a economic farmers, who learnt how to paint in Solotchinskaya the monastery, becoming the Guild, they can enter the St. Petersburg Imperial Academy? Undoubtedly, his talent was supposed to make an impression on very tall people. During this period Solotchinskaya monastery was ruled by Archimandrite Athanasius, who was a member of the Ryazan Ecclesiastical Consistory, there is produced on presentation of the Archbishop of Ryazan and Zaraisk Gabriel (Gorodkov). It can be assumed that with the blessing of Archbishop of Ryazan and Zaraisk Gabriel (Gorodkov), so anxious the entire life belonging to the Holy icons, Nikolai received a start in life. This version still requires careful checking, but it is not without Foundation, because in 1848-1849 the Archbishop of Ryazan Gabriel (Towns) have taken trips throughout the diocese, and was directly in Solotchinskaya the monastery has a handwritten record. Shortly after this Noise he entered the Academy.

(Source site REU)

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