Alexandrovna Janson-Manizer

Russia • born in 1890

Biography and information

Thesis in the CVC - "Discus thrower". The training took place at the faculty of sculpture.

Sculptor. A native of Peterhof, from a family of artisans. After graduating from high school (1911), she entered private architectural courses by E.F. Bagaeva in St. Petersburg. She studied at the architectural faculty of the Polytechnic Institute (since 1914), and, without graduating from it, transferred to the architectural faculty of the Academy of Arts (1917) in Petrograd. She combined her studies with the work of a draftswoman, took part in archaeological expeditions (Bakhchisaray, Kerch, Kherson). She worked as an assistant to the theater decorator (since 1918) at the First State Puppet Theater, where she began to sculpt and cut doll figures from wood. Resuming her studies (1921), she transferred to the sculpture faculty in the workshop of M.G. Manizer (1922), later became his wife (1926). Participated in the competition for projects of a monument to V.I. Lenin at the Finland Station (1924), received the fifth prize. She graduated from the Academy of Arts (1925), presenting four sculptural works on the defense of the thesis. Member of AHRR (since 1925). Participated in exhibitions (since 1926).


She created portraits, monumental and decorative reliefs, medals, easel compositions. The author of the statuettes "Start in the water", "Basketball player", "Nucleus pusher" (1926), which in the 1930s. were enlarged, cast in bronze and installed in the parks of culture and recreation in Moscow and Leningrad. The author of the sculptural group "Two athletes" (1937). She participated in the design of the Dynamo metro station, created 24 scenes of round porcelain reliefs dedicated to various types of physical education and sports. Performed statues and sculptural portraits of three-time world champion in speed skating M. G. Isakova and athlete A. V. Chudina. She designed the Serpukhovskaya metro station (1949), creating 16 bas-reliefs on the theme of multinational ™ of the USSR and a relief portrait of I.V. Stalin surrounded by banners. Favorite theme - the image of the dance. She created a series (1934-1937) of seven sculptures on the themes of the ballets Swan Lake, Bakhchisarai Fountain, Romeo and Juliet, Egyptian Nights, etc. She performed a series of statuettes Girey Sitting for the LFZ (1950s). , “Kettlebell with a cloak”, “Zarema with a mirror”, “Zarema with a dagger”, “Maria with a scarf”, “Maria sitting”. Some of the figurines made in china were later repeated in cast iron. The sculptures Zarema-Ballerina Kaminskaia, Maya Plisetskaya in Persian Dances, and Spaniard with a Fan were replicated with great success (late 1950s-1980s) in Kasli and Kusa.

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