Osipovich Sickler

Russia • born in 1858

Born in 1858 in St. Petersburg, Leon Sickler went studying painting in Paris. In Kazan it was in the late seventies and taught French at the gymnasium and Rodionovskiy Institute. His life changed when Sickler met with a collection of Andrei Fedorovich Likhachev, formed the basis of our Museum. Inspired by her, he was “Short guide to the paintings in the collection of A. F. Likhachev, in the Kazan city Museum”, published in 1895, which was then reprinted four times. Familiarity with the Likhachev's collection was given a boost - Sickler began to gather his own. As a result, it was 5 thousand units of storage, the most valuable and unique part of steel household items and jewelry Kazan Tatars. In 1912 was opened the exhibition of objects in the collection of a Sickler in the geographical Cabinet of the University.

The collection of Sickler began to show interest scientists from different countries, but the owner was not going to sell it. But after the revolution, fearing for the safety of exhibits, finally decided to part with her, selling the Volga of the all-Russian Collegium on Affairs of museums and protection of monuments of art of antiquity for 80,000 rubles. The collection was taken to Moscow, but the condition set by the former owner, some items had been returned to Kazan and is now kept in the National Museum of Tatarstan, part of the collection of the Museum of fine arts of the Republic, some things are in the vaults of the State historical Museum in Moscow.

Sickler was born in 1858 in Saint-Petersburg. Childhood and teenage years he lived in Paris where he studied painting. Arrived in Kazan in the late 70-ies of the XIX century. Here he taught French in the I-th gymnasium, Rodionovskiy Institute, Imperial University. In 1919 again went to France, where he died in 1921. With the name Leon Osipovich connected with the history of the Kazan city Museum (now the National Museum of Tatarstan). In due time L. O. Sickler was "Short guide to the paintings in the collection of A. F. Likhachev, in the Kazan city Museum", published in 1895, reprinted with a few additions in 1900, 1901, 1903 and 1905 Living in Kazan, he began to collect objects of decorative art. As a result, he became the owner of the most interesting and richest collection of 5 million items. The most valuable and unique part of the collection were the garments, lifestyle and jewelry Kazan Tatars. For the first time with this collection of Kazan citizens met April 1, 1912, when the exhibition was opened in the geographical Cabinet of Kazan University. She was represented in the ancient Tatar clothes, jewelry, stamps, cases for the Koran and prayers, and other items. The exhibition attracted many visitors and received high evaluation as the Tatar and Russian press of Kazan. Interested in her, and museums of St. Petersburg. Not just L. O. Sickler received an offer to purchase his collection. Proposals were received from Russia, Germany, Sweden, Finland. However, the owner did not consent. After the revolution of 1917, fearing for the safety of the collection, Sickler decided to part with it. However, in Kazan there was no organization that would be able to pay 80,000 rubles. In 1919, the collection was bought by the Volga of the all-Russian Collegium on Affairs of museums and protection of monuments of art and antiquity and taken to Moscow on the condition that some items will return to Kazan. Currently, two museums of Kazan, the National and the State Museum of fine arts of Tatarstan - is a large part of the returned items collection Sickler. Individual items in the vaults of the State historical Museum in Moscow.

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