The first of the artists perspectivist educated in the Imperial Academy of Arts. Son of the Peterhof Palace gardener, was admitted to the Academy in 1764 and was prepared in her first battle. In 1774 - 2 silver medal; 1776 - 1 silver medal; 1778 - 1 gold medal. In 1779 issued with a certificate of 1 degree and a sword.
At the end of the academic year was sent, for his improvements, at public expense, to Paris, where he worked under the guidance Demachy. Upon returning to St. Petersburg, in 1783, recognized as designated in academics, and in the following year he has been teaching at the Academy perspective painting, which he did until 1797, his Paintings are extremely rare; one of them, ""Internal view of fantastic temple," the", is in the Museum of the Academy of Arts.