Born in Odessa in 1884 With 1907. in 1913. he lived in Paris and studied painting at LEcole nationale des Beaux-Arts.
Have uchastvoval in exhibitions TYURH (Association of South Russian artists) in 1908-10, 1912, 1913, and 1914.
Participant 1 Salon Izdebsky 1909/10, the spring exhibitions in Odessa, 1913, and 1914. One active member and participant of all exhibitions of the Society of independent artists in Odessa.
In the Free workshop, organized by Nuremberg in 1918, led a "children's Academy". In 1920 he was the organizer of the exhibition of Odessa artists in memory of T. Shevchenko. In 1919 participated in the may day decoration of Odessa. In 1919-21 - the poster artist, worked in Yugrosta, in 1920-21 - the Museum and tour section of the Odessa subarubrat, continued to teach art in the state. Participant of the 3rd all-Ukrainian exhibition 1930/31 g.
In 1932 he moved to Moscow. With 1935. in 1938. worked in Malakhovskaya school colony for Jewish orphans, after closing a drawing teacher in high school. Died in Kansas city in 1975