Accepted into the Academy at the request of His Highness the Supreme President of the Academy in 1845, the Academy of arts. In 1850, the title of a free artist of historical and portrait painting. (Kondakov)
(1823 plant. Chermoz Perm. lips. (now the town of Chermoz Ilyinsky district) - 1853, St. Petersburg), the fortress Lazarev. From 1834 he studied painting at Nicephorus Ponosova. Together with the teacher, painted churches in za. Chermoz, the Governor's house in the city of Perm, in 1845, with Usol masters - the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Perm. At the request of the President of the Academy of arts (fine arts) (1846) were released from bondage and adopted volnoprihodyaschim student at the Academy, from which he graduated in 1850 with the title of class artist of historical and portrait painting.
Works: "John the Baptist" (1850, PGHG), "Michael the Archangel" (PGGG).
Ist.: TSGIAL, f. 789, op. 14, l. 47.; GAPO, f. 280, op. 1, d. 518, l. 608; d. 535, l. 302 (about).-303; d. 658, l. 49, 93-94.
Lit.: Serebrennikov N. N. The Urals in the visual arts. Perm, 1959. P. 128.; Egorova E. I., Kazarinov N. V. Serf artists of the Kama region of the end of XVIII - first half XIX century // history of democratic culture in the Urals (XVIII - beginning of XX century). Perm, 1986. P. 41-56.; Serfs and neglected painters of the Kama region of the end of XVIII - I half of XIX century. Catalogue of the exhibition. Perm, 1988. Pp. 19-20, 29.; Kazarinova N. V. Painters and carvers who worked in the Kama region in the XVIII - first half XIX century // history of artistic culture of the Urals. Sverdlovsk, 1988. P. 143.
(Source: encyclopedia of "Perm Krai", E. I. Egorova)