Novgorod 1799 - 16.9.1835, artist, boarder of the Imperial Academy of Arts [II / 1 *; No. 141]. Note: Index to the collection of materials for the history of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Arts for one hundred years of its existence / Comp. A. E. Yundolov. St. Petersburg., 1887. P. 138. Indicated by A. S. Dubin (St. Petersburg); Collection of materials for the history of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Arts for a hundred years of its existence / Ed. P.N. Petrova. T. I. St. Petersburg., 1864. P. 570.
The elder brother of Markov, Alexei Tarasovich, is also a historical painter who was educated at the Academy under the supervision of Shebuev, who gave great hopes but died before they could fully justify themselves. In Imp. The Hermitage has his picture: "The Roman Shepherd", and in the Academy Museum - a copy from Raphael's "Madonna di Foligno." {Brockhaus}
In 1809 he entered the Academy of Arts. Received medals: in 1819 - 2 silver; in 1820 - two 1 silver. In 1821 he was released from the Academy with a certificate of 1 degree. In 1825, at the Highest order, he was sent abroad by a pensioner of the Academy of Arts; in 1829, the period of retirement was extended for another year. (Kondakov)