Born in D. red of the Lipetsk region.
1958 Studied at the art Studio at the Smolensk organization of the Union of artists of Russia A. I. Kasikova and V. D. Deliduka.
1965-Graduated from art-graphic faculty of the Smolensk state pedagogical Institute. Karl Marx.
1966 - present Professor of painting and drawing children's art school in Smolensk.
1989 Creative journey at the House of art "Baikal".
1998 member of the Union of artists of Russia.
1999 - present member of the audit Commission of the Smolensk organization of the Union of artists of Russia.
1999 Awarded the diploma of the Union of artists of Russia for participation in the regional exhibition "Artists of Central regions of Russia". Participant of international plener in Vyazma.
C 1970-participant of regional art exhibitions.
1998 VII zone exhibition "Artists of Central regions of Russia", Moscow.
1998 Group exhibition "Teacher and pupils", the town of Gagarin.
2000 international exhibition of Smolensk artists in Vitebsk (Republic of Belarus).
2001 Overseas exhibition of Smolensk artists in Vitebsk (Republic of Belarus).
2002 international exhibition "Watercolor siabryna", Vitebsk (Republic of Belarus).
Exhibition of Smolensk painters in Lefortovo, Moscow.
2004 international exhibition of Smolensk painters in Orsha (Belarus).