Nikolaevna Filimonova

Russia • born in 1925

Biography and information

Born in the city of Kovrov of the Vladimir region.

1948 he Graduated from the Ivanovo chemical-technological College.

1948-1952 Artist factory. V. Slutskaya of the Ministry of light industry, Leningrad.

1967-1974 Artist of the Smolensk linen mill of the Ministry of light industry.

1973 member of the Union of artists of the USSR (since 1991 - member of Union of artists of Russia).

Awarded III prize in national competition of tissues from flax.

1974-1991 Artist Smolensk artistic production workshops of the artists Fund of the RSFSR.


Since 1967, the participant of regional art exhibitions.

1969 III zonal exhibition "the Centre - North region", g, Smolensk.

1970 IV Republican exhibition "Soviet Russia", Moscow.

1971 Exhibition of Soviet decorative-applied art, Zagorsk.

1972 Exhibition of works of artists of the Russian Federation "In his native country", Moscow.

1974 IV zone exhibition "Artists of Central regions of Russia", Ivanovo.

Participant of several international exhibitions.

Work Filimonovoy R. N. are stored in the Smolensk Museum-reserve, in private collections in Russia.