Filippovich Zvezdin

Russia • 1805−1860

Biography and information

Born in Nizhny Tagil, land N. N. Demidova, a graduate of the Nizhny Tagil factory school. Learned the foundry business in France (1821-1824), in the workshop of Thomire. Studied the technique of iron casting in foundries in Germany (in Berlin and Gleiwitz, 1825-1827), he improved his skills in brosilicate of Thomire in Paris (1828-1830). Back on demand N. N. Demidov in St. Petersburg, brilliantly withstood the test of brosilicate in the workshop of Berta, from whom he received great review. Supervised foundry (1831) Vyyskogo smelter in Nizhny Tagil, where he cast iron two candle holder, portrait busts of Friedrich Schiller and N. Gogol (1833). In the same year under his leadership of the cupola of cast iron was cast first rails for the locomotive road Cherepanov. Among the artistic casting FF zvezdina widely known bronze sculpture: "Portrait N. N. Demidov" (1834, bust), "Bull" (1838), "Riding the stallion" (1838), "Sheaf of wheat" (1840), "Boy taking out a splinter" (1841), "Girl in prayer" (1840), "Cupid" (1840), etc.