Vasilyevna Shchelkan-Rudenko

Russia • 1896−1983

(1892, Kiev – 13.06.1984, Moscow), Member of the artists Union of the USSR (1936). In 1910 he graduated from the Kiev gymnasium and in parallel in 1908-14 he studied at the Kiev arts. Uch-school at skulpt. Department at F. Balavenskyi. One of the first works S. R. – decorative panel “Thrush” – was placed on the front of the covered market in Kiev, (1910). In 1911, for the first time presented at the exhibition of artists of Kiev song “Caterina in exile” and “Katerina meets a Moskal” (prod. T. Shevchenko). In 1914-16 in Petrograd visited the fine arts. Studio L. Sherwood and F. Bernstein, the advice of the sculptor I. Gintsburg. During this period, the work academic. directions – statue: “Olympic” (1915), “Portrait of ing. The Tula factory D. Anan'eva” (1916), “surgeon G. Sobolewski” (1916). In 1921-32 lived in Tula, in 1924, worked on the creation of bas-reliefs for the Park of the Communards together. with the master Simonov, brought to the work of the Nar. artist of the USSR S. T. Konenkov as a molder. In 1932-40, in Person. In 1935, the delegate of the 1st. rally of Stakhanovites, where he became acquainted with the most advanced performance stankostroj. z-Yes (see “Stankomash”). The result was a series of portraits of workers: blacksmith P. I. Gubina, foreman Mason, S. S., Gubatenko, A. I., Motorina, I. P. Krylov, N. K. Skubenko, G. F. Kalashnikov. Fame S.-R. brought the sculpture “Lenin in childhood” (1936). With the participation of Moscow. art B. A. Bessarabova statue sent to Moscow, where of arts. the Board consisting of V. I. Mukhina, I. D. Shadr, Z. M. Vilensky, G. I. Motovilov proposed to include sculpture, done. in marble, in the permanent exhibition Center. Lenin Museum and to organize its mass production in. By order of the Centre. Museum, S. R. continued to work on the image of the leader and created the sculpture “Lenin-schoolboy 11 years” (1938), “Lenin-student” (1941), “Lenin in Alakaevka” (1942). S. R. worked on the monument.-a decorative form. In Person. for kindergarten stankostroj. the factory created a series of sculptures on the theme “Motherhood,” for the building.-D. station – figures of caryatids. In Person. S.-R. taught Fig. and molding in the House of arts. the education of children. 1940 in Moscow, from 1942 a member of. Mosk. branch SC. In 1942 by order of the relatives of Vladimir Lenin created the sculpture “Lenin in childhood” (42 cm), with copies to Roy sold for Owls. Union. In 40-50-ies. worked on the military. theme. In 1952 he completed the design of the facade of the Stalingrad region dramatic. theater. A. M. Gorky. From 1952 developed in sculpture the theme of ballet. Proizv. S.-R. distinguishes the genre of the interpretation of the images. In CHOKH presented the work “Lenin as a child” (bronze, 60-ies.). Last time I participated in the arts. the exhibition in 1983. Buried in Izmailovsky cemetery (Moscow).

(author: E. M. Ustyantseva)

Lit.: The history of Ukrainian art. Vol. 4, vol. 2. Kiev, 1970; L. P. Buy-In Artists Of Chelyabinsk. H, 1979; Kudzaev O. A., the Sculptured chronicle of the region / O. A. Kuzaev, A. S. Vaganov. H, 1989.

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