In 1939. born in Borovichi. Very early left an orphan In 1956. he graduated from the 2nd secondary school, engaged in the art Studio House of culture refractories plant in E. V. Grunfeld, which is retained for the entire life of good feelings. Its natural qualities Elena developed, given their rejection of vulgarity, a special, slightly old-fashioned gentility. In 1957. left Borovichi on the construction of Kalinin region. In 1971. graduated from the Leningrad Institute of theatre, music and cinematography on a speciality the artist-designer. Worked in the Caucasus, in Murmansk and Vladivostok. In 1980. back in Borovichi, worked in the art Studio House of culture of refractories plant, a decorator in the city House of culture. Personal exhibitions 1984. in the House of culture of refractory combine Borovichi, 1989. in the House of culture of Borovichi and in the Center of national creativity of the city of Novgorod, 1997. -posthumous exhibition in the Museum Borovichi. Participation in group exhibitions 1981. -exhibition of pieces Borovichesky professional and Amateur artists in the Museum Borovichi, 1985. a joint exhibition of works by the artist V. A. Biryukov Museum of local Lore in Borovichi. Overseas exhibitions - 1989. personal exhibition of works in the Municipality Binghamton (USA), the artist's Works are stored in Borowiecka Museum.
1939 - 1997) was a talented painter and graphic artist, pupil of the artist E. V., Grenfeldt (1903 – 1980), a graduate of the Leningrad theatrical Institute, specializing in theatre equipment and scenery with specialization in artist – sculptor(1971). Born in Borovichi. Lost his parents early: his father died at the front, the mother died. In Yakovishina orphanage (now Moshenskoy district) graduated seven classes,and then lived with relatives in Borovichi, where he continued his studies in the second high school.
Worked construction in Kalinin, after graduating from the Ivanovo kultprosvet accordionist, solo in clubs... And always drew, drew, drew... I have traveled around the country (Kirov, Vladivostok, Murmansk, Nizhny Tagil, Leningrad) and returned again in Borovichi. Last time, forever, in 1982. Supervised the art room at the house of culture of refractories plant, designed performances of folk and puppet theatre, succeeding his teacher, Grenfeldt E. V.; led the art room in the city house of culture. M. Gorky...
First solo exhibition was held in 1984 in the house of culture, Borovichi refractories plant, then – in Borovichi Museum of local lore, in Novgorod, in the American city of Binghamton...
Everywhere a big success, rave reviews from visitors, the unexpected discovery of a talented painter, artist and philosopher...
Favorite genres L. Malysheva – still life and landscape, written most often a favorite of tempera, in which the painter thought, initially present nobility and depth. Work is mostly decorative and theatrical, although there are purely realistic.
It attracts things: untouched patina samovar, copper bucket or kettle, cracked porcelain vases, bottles, brushes, books...Nature could be anything – fruits, vegetables, flowers, dried fish, a loaf of bread... But every thing in the still lifes unexpected Malysheva neighborhood fills a special meaning, and the colour relationship – this is an amazing experiment of the artist, who lived in a world of his images.
While the scenery is a continuation of the experiments, reflections of the numerous trial, a long period of hard work, but such a welcome for him, the saving – from the hustle and bustle of life, disease, disorder personal life.
Their work for him was his children, he had difficulty separating from them: rarely gave or sold. But all the work (около25) from the exhibition in the American city of Binghamton was quickly sold out. Leonid agreed without hesitation to it – needed money for the expensive foreign medicines which extended still the artist's life after a major operation. After the death of L. Malysheva staff Borovichi Museum has accumulated a large collection of his paintings and graphic works, is its "gold" Fund.