Petrovich Brodzky

Russia • 1826−1904

Biography and information

Professor of sculpture, was born in the town of Opatovce (Volyn province) in 1826. In 1848 he entered the Academy of fine Arts, worked under the leadership of Vitali and the following year at the academic exhibition came a copy of the group of Laokoon. In 1853 he received a small gold medal for sculpted them according to the program, resting round the statue of Adonis. Then he executed a bas-relief bust of Grand Duchess Alexandra Iosifovna and the bust of the composer Lontskoho. Abroad Brodsky went on their own account, but was soon awarded a pension for four years, by special request of the then President of the Academy, Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna . In 1861 he received the title of academician for the figures: "Cupid sleeping and waking" and "Zephyr, swinging on a branch". In 1868 he received the title of Professor for the works: "Marble kamelek", group "First love" and "Flight from Pompeii". Settling permanently abroad, Brodsky executed many works in marble and bronze, to thirty monuments, statues and groups, and to sixty-five busts and medallions. Deserve special attention - from the monuments: the monument to the engineer Krasovsky in Lausanne, Mazaraki monument in Warsaw, the monument of Mauritius Poniatowski in the Granite, the monument to the mother of the artist. Among the statues: "the First pain" - a statue of the fishergirl, in which the finger of the left hand clutching a pincers cancer, the bronze group of "Sobieski at Vienna", a bronze group "the Savior blessing the world"; the marble statue "Zephyr, swinging on a branch" (in the Hermitage); the "Sleeping Cupid"; "Marble kamelek" with a group of three boys and ornaments in the style of Cinqua-Cento (in the Hermitage); the "First Declaration of love", a marble group "Leda and the Swan"; "Crucifixion" - out of solid marble blocks in two meters high; "Madonna del. Globo", from a marble 2 meters high, and is in the Vatican at the new Museum; the statue of Copernicus. The busts and medals of count sky Marshal of the AP. Lontskoho, Ant. Lontskoho, Cerveza, Stefan Batory and Jan Sobieski, a preacher of Scary, Prokhorov, Pope Pius IX, the writer Kraszewski, Duke Nicholas Maximilianovich of Leuchtenberg, Julius Caesar, Hannibal, Alexander the great, Ms. Kulchitskaya, Laura Przezdziecki, Ismail Pasha, Mickiewicz. Works Brodskogo distinguished taste, the classical correctness of form and expressiveness. He died in 1904. (V. Chuiko.)

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