Petrovich Bozhidar (Gordeev)

Russia • 1894−1914

Biography and information

(21.6(3.7).1894, Kharkov— 7(20).9.1914, S. Grandmother Kharkov province.)] — poet, theorist of verse.

Was born in Professor's family (see GORDEEV P. A.). In 1904 — 1913 gg studied at 3rd Kharkov gymnasium 95 (graduated with honors). Studied languages (including Sanskrit), music (piano) and painting (headed by E. A. Agafonov Studio “Blue Lily” — along with his elder brother D. P. Gordeev and M. M. of Maria Sinyakova). In 1913, he entered the University of Kharkov, who soon gave up and secretly left for Smolensk. In March of 1914 in Moscow, he became friends with S. Bobrov and others members of the “Centrifuge”. In April 1914 he returned to Kharkov, where together with G. Petnikova and N. Aseev has organized literary publishing group “Liren”. Committed suicide on the night of September 7 (old style) in the forest near the village Grandmother. In 1919 the gymnasium friend Bozhidar, a great admirer of his talent Gr. Petnikov published in the journal they edited “ways of creation” prose pieces from the heritage of Bozhidar (No. 5. P. 38 — 41), dedicated to Gregory Petnikova and Maria Sinyakova “Island of the blue lakes” and prose 1913 untitled.

Vol.: Buben. — M.: “Liran”, 1914. — 14 S.

Tambourine. Poems. Ed. 2. — M.: “Liran”, 1916. — 44 p.

Singing warm-unity (Ed., Pref., comm. S. Bobrov). — M., 1916.

Lit.: RP — indicating the sources

Aigi G. Bozidar (1894 — 1914) // In the world of books. 1989. No. 2. P. 29.