Petrovich Vostretsov

Russia • born in 1948

Biography and information

Born June 29, 1948 in the city of Novokuznetsk, in the Kemerovo region. Winner of the prize. M. S. Znamensky Tyumen Komsomol. He studied at the Leningrad art College named. V. A. Serov (1969-1974) V. S. Novikov, L. K. Waltz. A member of the artists Union of the USSR since 1981. Works in easel, monumental, decorative sculpture, as well as in the forms of small plastic. Had a great influence on the creative development of many artists of Tyumen. Participant of city, regional, zonal, Republican, all-Union and international exhibitions. Works are TMII, Sverdlovsk oblast picture gallery and in private Russian collections. Lives in Tyumen.