
Russia • born in 1936

Born in 1936, in the Orenburg region, education of the highest mountain. The last 24 years worked as a designer of the Gaysky mining and processing plant.

About thirty years devoted to Yuri Shevtsov favorite hobby – the creation of decorative panels in the technique of "Florentine mosaic". By combining different in color, pattern and structure of the plate of gems in a single unit, the wizard creates an elegant composition.

Themes work different Shevtsova: the Ural flora and fauna, genre scenes, mythological and pagan themes.

A big role in the works of stone plays Russian and foreign literature. It creates a kind of stone illustrations to the works of P. Bazhova ("Goldilocks", "the Stone flower"), Lermontov (triptych "the Demon"), A. Pushkin (triptych "the Queen of spades"), M. Bulgakov ("Master and Margarita"), Hemingway ("the old Man and the sea").

Creativity Yuri Shevtsov noticeable phenomenon in modern lapidary art, his painting is characterized by customized solutions, rigorous study of complex composition, precise selection of colored stone and high technical performance.

Exhibition activities of the master began in 1970.

In 2001 he received a silver medal in Ekaterinburg, in the contest "World of stone" Ural Gold Foundation.

Several works by Yury Shevtsov has acquired the St. Petersburg Museum of the Florentine mosaic, and his works are in private collections of America, France, including the collection of Mstislav Rostropovich.

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