Vladimirovich Shevchenko

Russia • born in 1983

Biography and information

Born September 10, 1983 in the city of Volgodonsk from childhood Taras showed an aptitude and desire for painting. In 1990. at the insistence of the father of Taras Shevchenko was given to training in the art school No. 1 city of Volgodonsk .

В1998г. he graduated cum laude graduates presenting a thesis "Parallels".

After high school, Taras arrived in school №71 on branch design interera.

2002 graduated from school and was identified as a student in the Studio of artist A. L. Neumyvakina where he continued teaching until 2004. Currently living in the city of Rostov-on-don and is a student of South-Russian Humanitarian Institute, faculty of design and art, participant of many exhibitions, conducts active creative activity