Nikolayevich Krasulin

Russia • born in 1934

Member of the Union of Artists.

Studied: Moscow Higher Art and Industrial School (Stroganovka), 1953-1960, Department of monumental and decorative sculpture.

Teacher: Rabinovich Saul Lvovich ((1905-1988)

Born in 1934 in Moscow. In the years 1953-1960. studied at the Moscow Higher Art and Industrial College (formerly Stroganov) at the department of monumental and decorative sculpture. In the 1960s - Chief artist of the Polytechnic Museum. Since 1970 - Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR. In the 1980s received the second prize in the competition for the design of the monument to Vladimir Vysotsky. In 2003 awarded the Golden Section Prize of the Moscow Union of Architects. In 2005 awarded the prize "Master". Lives in Moscow.


Works are in the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow; State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg; Arkhangelsk Art Museum, Arkhangelsk; Bryansk Regional Art Museum, Bryansk; Vologda Regional Art Gallery, Vologda; Novosibirsk State Art Museum, Novosibirsk; Smolensk State Museum-Reserve, Smolensk; Tula Museum of Fine Arts, Tula; Yaroslavl Art Museum, Yaroslavl; Ludwig International Art Forum, Aachen, Germany; meeting of Eugene Nutovich, Moscow.


Selected solo exhibitions:

1995 - Lietuvos aido gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania;

1995 - Anniversary exhibition, State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg;

1996 - “Boards”, gallery “Manege”, Moscow;

1997 - Together Gallery, Moscow;

1998 - “Bas-reliefs in the sand”, gallery “Neuen Tempel”, Berlin, Germany;

1999 - “Travel notes”, Chekhov’s house, gallery “Manege”, Moscow;

2000 - “Etchings on Drafts by Lyudmila Ulitskaya”, Manege Gallery, Moscow;

2005 - "Lifestyle", State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow;

2005 - Elena Vrublevskaya Gallery, Moscow;

2005 - State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg.

2006 - Gallery "Karenina", Moscow.


Group exhibitions:

1962 - Youth Exhibition, MOSH, Moscow;

1979 - Exhibition "Thirteen", House of Artists, Moscow;

1989 - “Biennale male plastike”, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia;

1990 - “Figuration critique”, Paris, France;

1990 - "Sculptura Sovietica contemporala", San Giovanni al Natisone, Italy;

1991 - “Paris-Moscow”, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow;

1991 - “In Memory of K. Malevich”, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow;

1992 - “Sixties in the nineties,” the gallery “Image”, Moscow;

1993 - “In Memory of Vysotsky,” Art Nouveau Gallery, Moscow;

1994 - “Sixties in the 90s”, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow;

1995 - “La Terra Ritrovata”, Villa Ormond, San Remo, Italy;

1996 - “Art Manege”, personal exhibition, Moscow;

1996 - “Museum Space of the Kuznetsk Bridge”, House of Artists, Moscow;

1997 - “Art Manege”, Moscow;

1997 - “The reverse perspective,” Rzhev;

1997- “Pereslavl Dialogues”, “Today” Gallery, Moscow;

1997 - “Art Manege”, Moscow;

1997 - “State Prize”, exhibition of nominees for the State Prize of the Russian Federation, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow;

1998 - “The End of the Landscape”, “Together” Gallery, Moscow;

2000 - “Abstraction in Russia”, “Ark” gallery, Moscow;

2001 - “Russian sculpture in a tree. XX century ”, State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg;

2001-2002 - “Abstraction in Russia. XX century ”, State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg;

2003 - “Moscow abstraction. The second half of the XX century ”, State

Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow;

2003 - "Studio" Senezh ", 55 etchings", State Museum of Fine Arts

them. A. S. Pushkina, Moscow;

2005 - “Purest Abstraction - 05”, pop / off / art gallery, Moscow;

2005 - "Surrealism", pop / off / art gallery, Moscow.

2005-2006 - “Revision of the material”, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

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