Schedule. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.
Born may 9, 1921 in Irkutsk in semicomatose wooden house of his father – Falevich Yakov Mikhailovich – city doctor. A little later, after a few years, due to the persecution, they left. First in Yalta, later switch Point, near Moscow. There was located the boarding house where Yakov served as the chief physician. And later the family moved to Moscow in Sokolniki. Nikolay Yakovlevich graduated from high school and enrolled in theater school, wanting to become a Director. Studied for a year - not converged in opinion with his mentor Zavadsky, Yury Alexandrovich, who believed that the Director must be an actor, according to V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, Nikolai Yakovlevich believed Vice versa, thus supporting the K. S. Stanislavsky (Alexeyev). In 1940, upon reaching eighteen, joined the army for three years, as it was supposed to. A year later, the Great Patriotic war. And the composer insisted on his transfer from Monino, where dislocare to her fond memory, part of it, to the front. Served as an aviation technician on the second Belorussian front. In 1945. With his unit through Poland entered Berlin. Demobilized in 1947 in the rank of Sergeant, in total, he served 7 years. Came to law school wanting to work as an investigator, and successfully finished it. But one day not worked in his chosen profession - was not in accordance with the chosen specialty. Began privately to study the craft of the artist in a patient of his father, the famous poster artist Joseph Abramovich Ganga. And became a graphic artist. Nikolai Yakovlevich was a versatile creative personality. He developed trademarks (by number could get into the Guinness book of records!). Is the author of three fonts, received an honorable mention at the competition "the Emblem of the Olympic games 80". Very much knew and loved to do with his hands: he worked with wood, creating jewelry, tried his hand as a graphic designer, etc.). Never bought gifts, always did them with my hands. Wrote humorous poems, rhyming invitation, epigrams. Collected that is not sold, for example, in his collection of badges was the seller of the CDs.
Nikolai Yakovlevich was the soul of the company. Arranged at the organized evening. Do not drink or smoke.
Always made a good living, had the opportunity "for their" to buy a couple of cars. And at the end of life buy milk in bulk because it was cheaper than the store, and he was very fond.
He was twice married and had one child from each marriage. The last 35 years he lived with his second wife Beresnevo Svetlana Afanasyevna and son. With his first wife and daughter no connections are supported at their initiative.
With all the relatives and friends supported (in the full sense of the word) a great relationship. Always wrote, not forgetting the dates, greeting cards. Financially helped a very sick relative far from the Irkutsk. Never was greedy, was fairly frugal.
Nikolai Yakovlevich was a very calm and balanced person and never raised her voice.
1977 was admitted to the ranks of the Union of artists.
In 1984 got his own little workshop close to home.
Could afford (mentally and financially) to achieve the tourism zagranpoezdki. Visited Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Japan, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, Yugoslavia.
Nikolay Yakovlevich found a common language with almost all. In all nearby stores knew him by name and patronymic. And not only in the stores. Rather, everywhere, wherever he looked. He was in his own very witty. For example, the sea, swam away, took in a nice bottle of sea water. Later, at home, in Moscow, done by hand label and put the guests on the table, giving a wonderful drink. What sberatelstvi impossible to forget the bottles of different shapes.
A year before the death of Nikolai Yakovlevich began to walk badly, six months was in the hospital.
Died at home on 9 June 2000, at the age of 79 years. But remained in the memory of their loved ones and friends in a sensitive and sympathetic, cheerful, kind and very wise man.