Sergeevich Goloschapov

Russia • born in 1982

Was born in 1982. in Moscow.

Graduated from the Moscow state art-industrial University. S. G. Stroganov, Department of monumental-decorative art, Department of ceramics in 2005.

Participant of exhibitions since 2002.Member of Moscow Union of artists (USDA) since 2006.

Main exhibitions:

2002 all-Russian youth exhibition , Central house of artists, Moscow.

2002-2004 Youth exhibition "Youth 22", MOA.

2004 laureate of the exhibition-competition of projects "Moscow through the eyes

young. The sport in Moscow", Central house of artists, Moscow. Prize of the Ministry of culture of Russia.

2005 Scholarship of the Ministry of culture and mass communications; the Exhibition "Anti –terror" Museum of N..Ostrovsky; Exhibition

Projects of "Urban improvement and new opportunities

Moscow", The Moscow Mayor's Office.

The third exhibition of the Moscow section of drawings and sculptures.

2006 Exhibition"World of painting and sculpture", Central house of artists, Moscow.

The exhibition "Historical and cultural heritage of Moscow.

Creative achievements of the capital, the Central exhibition hall "Manege",Moscow;

Exhibition "Bestiary 2006" the Darwin state Museum

International exhibition of young art "Workshop

2006", Moscow Museum of modern art.

2007 Exhibition "Youth of Russia" Central house of artists

10 Moscow international art salon Central house of artists.

Works are in private collections in Russia.

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