
Russia • born in 1963

In 1981 graduated from the Moscow secondary art school at the Institute. Surikova. In 1987 he graduated from the faculty of painting in Moscow State art Institute. Surikov(head of Ilya Glazunov). Participant and author of more than 30 exhibitions in Russia, USA, Italy, France, Germany, Belgium, Finland, Morocco.

Since 1995 is the head of the course at the Academy of painting, sculpture and architecture in Moscow. Since 1999. – head of the creative workshop at the art and design of interiors.

Selected works:

The decoration of the Bolshoi theatre "the Legend about city of Kitezh"

"Old songs about the main" (1995)

"The Romanovs – crowned family" (2000)

"Turkish gambit" (2005)

The winner of the award "TEFI" in 2006, in the category "best art Director" for the film "the first circle"

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