Ravilevich Ismagilov

Russia • born in 1977

Born in Perm on 13 may 1977.

1994-2000 studies at the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. He graduated from the Department of decorative-applied art.

In 2002 became a member of the artists Union of Russia.

Participant of regional and city exhibitions since 1995.

The main stages of creative activity:

1. The winner of the national exhibition "Young artists of Russia", Central house of artists, Moscow, 2001.

2. International Art event "New iron dimension", Perm, 2002

3. Regional exhibition "Ural", Yekaterinburg, 2003.

4. X all-Russian art exhibition "Russia-X", Moscow, 2004.

5. Family exhibition "the Art world Ismagilovich", Perm, 2004.

6. Personal exhibitions in cities of the region: Chusovoy, Lys'va.

7. The winner of IX International festival of snow and ice sculpture "snow, and ice and flame", Perm, 2003

8. 2 and 3 for X, XI and XII International festivals of snow and ice sculpture "snow, and ice and flame", Perm, 2004, 2005 and 2006

9. The winner of the festival of snow sculpture in Zelenodolsk, Tatarstan, 2002.

10. Participant of festivals of snow and ice sculptures in the cities of Kazan, 2001, Salekhard (prize for originality) 2004, 2005, Arkhangelsk, Severodvinsk (the prize of the television) 2005

11. In 2003 he was recognized the best young artist and was awarded the municipal prize of the honoured artist Ivan Borisov.

12. A participant of the cultural program of twin cities in luisville, Kentucky, USA, 2003.

13. The winner of the competition for the monument "Permyak - salty ears" in Perm, 2005.

14. Participant of the International Symposium on sculpture from concrete the city of Ceska Lipa, Czech Republic, 2005.

15. The participant of the Second Russian contest of young artists. Tretyakov. Moscow, Tretyakov gallery, 2005

16. Family exhibition "feedback", Kazan, 2005

17. The winner of the competition for the monument "Water" in Perm, 2006

18. Participant of exhibition of Russian sculpture "Space and form". Ufa, Museum of Nesterov, 2006

19. In 2006, received Recognition for his enormous contribution to the development and prosperity of culture and art of Perm city.

20. Participant of all-Russian exhibition "Young Russian painters", Central house of artists, Moscow, 2007

21. Participant of exhibition-contest "Golden pallete", Saratov, 2007.

22. Participant of exhibition Perm-Izhevsk-Ufa, 2007

23. Winner of interregional art exhibition "Unity", Nizhny Novgorod, 2007

24. Participant of exhibition "Big Volga". Cheboksary, Samara, 2008

25. In 2009 he received a scholarship from the Russian Ministry of culture in the field of decorative-applied art among young artists.

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