Ivanovich Gibalenko

Russia • born in 1946

Born on 9.VIII.1946 in Sibiu, Romania.

Lives in Balti.

Graduated from the Republican art. school. I. E. Repina, Chisinau, 1969

A member of the artists Union since 1984

Works in easel painting (the combination of Eastern and European plastic art), monumental art (mosaic, wall painting) and sculpture.

Participates in the Republican exhibitions since 1975.

Highlights of the exhibition.

Participant of annual exhibitions of Union of artists in Chisinau (1975) and Bacau (Romania,2002-2003)

Personal exhibitions:

- Kiev, Ukraine, 1992

- Basel, Switzerland 1995

- Odessa, Ukraine, 2001

Group exhibitions:

- G. Eibach, Germany, 1998

- Strasbourg, France, 1999

The artist's works were exhibited at the exhibition "Russian branch of pictorial tree of Moldova", organized by Association of Russian artists of Moldova "M-ART" dedicated to the Day of Russia in the exhibition hall skhm them. K. Constantin Brancusi exhibition centre hosts, Chisinau, June 2005.

Characteristic of creative work:

ABDUCTION. Oil on canvas, 96 x 96, 2002.

NOSTALGIA .X., M., 95 x 64, 1993.

ROCK BIRD. H., M., 93H 64, 1999.

The artist's works are in the National art Museum of Moldova, as well as in private collections in Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic States, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Poland, Germany, France and the United States.

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