
Russia • Moscow • born in 1953 • artist, collector
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Ustinov Alexander Nikolaevich
Monumentalist. Honored Artist of Russia.
Full member of the Peter's Academy of Sciences and Arts.
Born September 23, 1953 in Leningrad.
In 1975 graduated from the Higher Naval School of Radio Electronics
them. A. Popov in Leningrad.
In 1984 - the Moscow Higher School of Industrial Art (Stroganov), department of monumental-decorative painting.
Studied with teachers G.M. Korzheva, N.P.Grishina, N.K. Zamkova, L.V.Komarova,
A.A. Komarov.
Beginning of creative activity since 1978. Works in the field of monumental art in various techniques and materials (mosaic, painting, marquetry, stained glass, metal, sgraffito). The artist is engaged in interior design. His works are organically connected with the architectural environment; they decorate the interior and exterior of various objects in Novo ¬ Russian, Kaluga, Bratsk, Irkutsk, Blagoveshchensk, Tashkent, Moscow and the Moscow Region. The artist successfully works in stan¬kovoj painting and unique graphics.
Member of the Union of Artists of Russia since 1989. Since 1995 - Member of the Association of Russian Artists in Paris.
Since 1996 - chairman of the section of monumental art, member of the board of the MOOSKH, member of the commission of the Union of Artists of Russia on monumental art.
Awarded the anniversary medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow" (1997).
From 1998 - Associate Professor at the Department of Monumental and Decorative Art, Stroganov University (Moscow),
State scholarship them. I. Repin for Russian cultural and art workers (1998).
Thanks and commemorative medal from Patriarch of All Russia Alexy II (2006).
Participant of exhibitions: the Republican art exhibition "Young Artists of Russia" (1984), the all-Union exhibition of works by young artists dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Komsomol (1988), the republican exhibition "Monumental-decorative art and urban planning" (Yaroslavl, 1988), III zone exhibition "Moscow Region" (1990), regional exhibitions of works of monumental artists (1990, 1997), the international exhibition "Consum Expo" (Moscow, exhibition hall "Krasnaya Presnya", 1990), the republican exhibition "Monumental" -decorative art about urban planning ”(Chelyabinsk, 1991), group exhibitions of works of artists in the Central House of Artists“ Russia is a time of change ”(Moscow, 1991),“ Art-Myth ”(1991, 1992),“ Art-Manege ”(1996), "Golden Brush" (1993-2000), international exhibition of works of artists in Moscow and Moscow region in Vienna (Austria, 1992), international exhibition "Artists against drug addiction" (organized by the firm "Maymeri", 1994), group exhibitions of works by Russian artists: in To ¬ronto (Canada, 1994), in Florida (USA, 1995), in Seoul (South Korea, 1998), in the Spanish Embassy in Moscow (1999), “Russia-Serbia” in the House of Friendship (Moscow, 1998), international exhibition, organized by the Red Cross in Paris, (France, 1995), regional anniversary exhibition "50 years of the MOOSH" (1996), republican exhibition "850 years of Moscow" (1997), the republican exhibition “Russia-XXI” (1999), the All-Russian art exhibition “In Your Name”, dedicated to the 2000th anniversary of the Nativity of Christ (2000).
Solo exhibitions in Moscow (2002, Central House of Artists, 1991, 1992-2994), in Khimki (1995,2004), in Berlin (Germany, 1996).

Painting: “Red Christ”, “Premonition of Revelation to John the Theologian on Patmos Island”, a series of compositions “Misha¬ni”, “A Platonic Serpent deceiving Leda acquiring the image of a swan”.
Graphics: the series “Under the shadow of the hands of the unforgettable Cosimo Tour”, the series “Miracles on the head”.
Works are in art museums MGHPA them. S. G. Stroganov, Langepas (Tyumen region), Yalta in the Museum of the Academy of Fine Arts in Seoul (South Korea), in the Museum of Art of the Peoples of the World (Moscow), in the ina Velina gallery in Germany, in the Eye of the Lizard »In California (USA), in private collections in Russia, Canada, USA, England, Shotlandia, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Australia, Egypt, Italy, India, South Korea.
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