Terra mater

Anastasia Mirra • Painting, 2019, 50×40 cm
About the artwork
This artwork has been added by an Arthive user, if it violates copyright please tell us.
Art form: Painting
Subject and objects: Nude, Mythological scene
Style of art: Realism, Symbolism
Technique: Oil
Materials: Canvas
Date of creation: 2019
Size: 50×40 cm
Artwork in selections: 1 selection

Description of the artwork «Terra mater»

The picture of the earth, the sensual image of a girl, a woman. But with all its materiality, I tried very hard to bring her weightlessness, heaven, ... I wanted you to feel the scent of sandalwood and myrtle ...

She herself is Mother Nature, Mother Earth. Archetypes - Anima (after Jung), Gaia, Venus, Freyja, Egyptian Isis.

Fertility, physical and spiritual creative power, which has reached its realization.
Corresponds to the number 3, the third lasso (the Empress) Taro, in the tree of Sephiroth - 14th path (the union of male and female - Chokmah and Binah, thereby connecting the whole tree).

The colors are emerald and sky blue.

It is not just matter, but a special invisible substance that, on the one hand, binds matter (the principle of eros), and on the other - gives matter an irresistible charm.

The circle, combined with the square, is a symbol of the connection between the soul or “I” (circle), and the body, or reality (square). It is also a symbol of the divine spark in a mortal, earthly body. Does the whole earth have this spark?

The bird, stylized as the drawings of Leonardo da Vinci, is a kind of subtle hint at a pigeon, in the form of which the Holy Spirit descended on the Virgin Mary in Christian paintings and icons.

Her arms are folded in the form of two crescents growing (birth) and decreasing (wilting). Everything is in her hands. Nature gives birth, gives life, but according to its own laws, it takes life. This is the principle of balance (give-take), the law of balance (yin-yang) ...