Viktorovna Kachalkova

Russia • Sverdlovskaya Oblast' • born in 1963 • artist
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Artist - Kachalkova Svetlana Viktorovna , born January 20, 1963 City of Kamensk-Uralsky, Sverdlovsk region.
I've always been interested in fine art, I've been drawing since childhood.
She studied at the Children's Art School in Kataysk, Kurgan region for 4 years.
I experience great joy from creativity, satisfaction and positive emotions that I want to convey to the one who will look at my picture. I love to create in different genres: still life, portrait, landscape.
I am inspired by the infinite beauty of nature and man as part of it, the various manifestations of the world around me..
When I walk down the street in the city I look at the world through the eyes of an artist, I want to immediately take a brush and transfer this beauty to canvas or paper.
And, of course, inspiring, beautiful, amazing, full of meaning creations of artists of the past..
Since December 1, 2021, I am a member of the PUA.
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