Isaakovich Rusakov

Russia • 1898−1952

Biography and information

Born in 1898 in the town of Sevsk, Orel province. In 1910, he studied at the school of drawing and painting E. N. Zvantseva arts at M. I. Ignatiev in St. Petersburg. Between 1918 and 1924, he studied at the Petrograd state free art educational workshops (1921 – VHUTEMAS) D. N. Kardovsky and O. E. Braz. In 1925 participated in exhibitions. Member of the Association "Community of artists" (1925-1927). Founding member of the society "Circle of artists" (1926-1932). Worked in painting and graphics. Died in 1952 in Leningrad. First solo exhibition was held in 1957 in the Losh.

To paint Rusakov, A. I. began in the early years of the artist M. I. Ignatiev, then attended a private school E. N. The Zvantseva in St. Petersburg, and completed his studies in fine arts (1918-24; mainly in the Studio of Osip Braz). In 1926 he took an active part in the establishment of the Association "Circle of artists" (1926 - 32). On the banner of the "Circle" was the appeal: "Through the picture to create the style of the era". Rusakov was a participant of all exhibitions of the Association. Since 1932 - member of the Leningrad branch of Union of artists. The first work Rusakov discovered a rare gift of a colorist; not less obvious orientation of the French school (P. Cezanne, A. Matiss, A. Marche). In the early period of creativity, he turns to a thematic picture, writes large canvases with figures in full growth ("a Woman with a stroller", 1927; "the Electrician", 1928), but these experiments have not received further development. Landscape, portrait, still life - that's the favorite genres of the artist. It is limited to friends of the world, whether it's with family and friends, a neighborhood workshop or the items that is always at hand ("Woman with hen", 1930; "Portrait of son", CA. 1933; landscapes of the Petrograd side of the 1930s). In fact, the only genre to which gravitated the hares, there was a kind of picturesque lyrics. During the war, the artist remained in Leningrad, continued to work and exhibited at the exhibition of the siege 1943, the Siege of landscapes are among his best works. In his later years Rusakov turned to tempera, reaching exceptional clarity and precision of visual language ("still life with sculpture of Donatello", "Schooner. Blue Neva", a series of landscapes of the Karelian isthmus, all 1950-51, it was). First solo exhibition was held in 1957, after his death. Works Rusakova presented in state Russian Museum, in art museums and galleries in Saratov, Perm, Pskov, Odessa, Bryansk and other art collections.

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    Oil, Tempera
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