Painting by Andrey Dubov

Exhibition August 29 − September 25, 2019
Smolensk State Museum-Reserve in the exhibition hall of the Historical Museum holdspersonal exhibition of the artist Andrei Igorevich Dubov.

The exposition presents more picturesque landscapes, scenes in the interior, still lifes of the artist, which reveal the variety of pictorial motifs and the personal world of the author.

Andrei Dubov developed his own, easily recognizable style, characterized by plastic accuracy, density of the picturesque mass, monochrome, contributing to the deep imagery of the works. A personal exhibition of the artist’s paintings will not only allow you to watch a certain visual series, but also direct the viewer to search and comprehend eternal themes - love and harmony, unity and harmony of nature and man. The author is a recognized master of Russian painting.

Based on the official websiteSmolensk State Museum-Reserve.