Boris Ryauzov. To the 100th Birthday

Exhibition October 9 − December 8, 2019
Krasnoyarsk Art Museum. IN AND. Surikova holdsExhibition of paintings by Boris Yakovlevich Ryauzov.

The exhibition presents more than 50 works of the master from the museum funds, many paintings are exhibited for the first time.

Boris Yakovlevich Ryauzov was a recognized master of the landscape and a virtuoso colorist, subtly felt the color and used the expressive capabilities of his palette in different landscapes in different ways. The exhibition allows not only to trace the development of Boris Ryauzov’s authorial style, but also to see how landscape genre works may not look alike, to get acquainted with different types of landscapes: urban, memorial and industrial.

Based on site materialsKrasnoyarsk Art Museum. IN AND. Surikova.