State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin, in the halls of the Gallery of Art of Europe and America XIX – XX, together with the Paris Museum on the Branly Embankment named after Jacques Chirac presents an exhibition project
Tattoodedicated to the art of tattooing.
The extensive exposition includes more than 200 works of large-scale chronological and geographical coverage, revealing the history of this phenomenon: painting, graphics, photography, sculpture, objects of traditional and decorative art, archival and ethnographic materials.
The exhibition tells about the stages of tattoo development in different regions of the world on various materials: from objects of traditional art to the works of modern artists who comprehend the theme of tattoo in their work; from engravings of the early New Age to art photographs.
Having gone from traditional bodily practice to an integral part of modern visual culture, the tattoo has long earned a museum comprehension. Taking this project, the Pushkin Museum to them. A.S. Pushkin realizes his mission not only as a museum of fine art, but also as a museum of the history of civilizations. The exhibition, which the Moscow audience will see, contains additional sections, it is significantly supplemented by works of fine art from Russian museum and private collections and talks about the phenomenon of tattoos in the broad context of cultural history. Presenting more than 3,000-year history of one of the most ancient practices of body modification, an exhibition-research will tell about the variety of forms and functions of a tattoo, about their transformations under the influence of various circumstances, and about the significance of a tattoo in modern culture.
Based on the official website
The Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkin.