Ghent Museum of Fine Arts Presents Renewed Painting Exposition
“From Bosch to Magritte. From the Golden Age to Surrealism.
In the halls of the museum visitors will see masterpieces of representatives of the “golden age of Dutch painting”, neoclassicism of the 1800s, expressionism and abstract art of the early XX century and surrealism of the 1950s.
The emphasis of the exhibition is on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, which form the basis of the museum's collection. Viewers will also see the collection’s novelties that have not yet been exhibited in galleries, for example, the work of the young Ford Madox Brown, life-size watercolor of Leon Spilliart, Auguste Rodin's early plaster sculpture, two abstract paintings by Pierre-Louis Floquet and the striking painting by Jules Schmalzigag.
Based on site materials
Ghent Museum of Fine Arts.