Boris Ryauzov and his time. Landscapes of memory

Exhibition September 12 − October 13, 2019
Exhibition “Landscapes of Memory. Memorial landscape in the work of B.Ya. Ryauzova ”is the third and final part of the exhibition series“ Boris Ryauzov and his time ”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the famous Krasnoyarsk painter.

Picturesque works of Boris Ryauzov dedicated to the exploit of Alexander Matrosov, historical places of stay in Siberia V.I. Lenin, I.V. Stalin, Y.M. Sverdlova, S.S. Spandaryan, the homeland of V.I. Surikova and M.V. Lomonosov, can be attributed to the genre of "memorial landscape", in which places associated with public figures or historical events, become the object of attention of the artist.

Landscapes of memorable places play a special role in the work of Boris Ryauzov, opening up new research horizons. The genre, "born in the USSR", designed at one time to form the historical memory of the citizens of a new country, has been little studied to date. The Boris Ryauzov Museum, presenting the exposition “Landscapes of Memory”, enters the scientific vanguard by practical work with the picturesque heritage of Boris Yakovlevich Ryauzov.

Especially for participation in the exhibition “Landscapes of memory”, paintings were brought to Krasnoyarsk from the Museum of Local Lore of Turukhansky District, Historical and Ethnographic Museum-Reserve “Shushenskoye”, Minusinsk Museum of Local Lore named after N. Martyanova, as well as several private collections. Rarely exhibited works were presented for the exhibition by the Krasnoyarsk Regional Museum of Local Lore and the Krasnoyarsk Art Museum named after V.I. Surikov.

Photo: Nina Chervotkina.

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