1918–1938: First Republic

Exhibition May 1 − December 31, 2020
National Gallery in Prague holds an exhibition1918–1938: First Republic.

In addition to paintings and sculptures by leading Czech, Slovak, Czech-German artists (Vaclav Shpala, Josef Chapek, Jindrich Schtyrsky, Toyen, August Bryumse, Max Kopf, Wenzel Gablik and others), the exhibition presents works by famous French painters (Paul Gauguin, Henry Russo, Pablo Picasso, Vincent Van Gogh and others).

The exposition is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Czechoslovak Republic and represents the rich artistic creation and artistic activity of the young state in 1918-1938. In a given temporal and spatial framework, the project illustrates significant events in the field of artistic culture during the First Republic with an emphasis on the cosmopolitan and multinational character of the state, and shows the richness and diversity of culture.

Based on site materialsNational Gallery in Prague.

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