State Historical Museum (GMI) holds an exhibition
“Fedor Rokotov. From the collection of the State Historical Museum ".
Visitors will be able to see a large collection of portraits by one of the largest portrait painters in Russia, whose work has combined European and national artistic traditions.
Fedor Rokotov (1735-1808)remained in the history of art as a master of psychological portraiture, allowing you to feel the personality of the hero portrayed. The Historical Museum houses one of the largest collections of his works in Russia. The exhibition not only introduces Rokotov's picturesque heritage, but also tells about Russian culture of the second half of the 18th century. The central place in the exposition is occupied by the ceremonial portrait of Catherine II. Also here you can see chamber portraits of representatives of the Moscow nobility - the poet Alexander Sumarokov, Count Dmitry Matyushkin, the maid of honor of the Empress Anna Vasilchikova. Images of children, rare for the art of the 18th century, portraits of Alexandra Glebova and Grand Duke Alexander Pavlovich open another page in the work of the master, who was able to feel and convey in images the “secret of childhood”.
Based on site materials