James Prozek: Art, Artifact, Craftsmanship

Exhibition July 1 − November 29, 2020
The Yale University Art Gallery hosts an exhibitionJames Prozek: Art, Artifact, Craftsmanship.

The exposition consists of more than 150 exhibits from the museum's collection, printed illustrated materials by the famous artist and writer James Prosek.

In the proposed concept of the exhibition, the author aesthetically equates objects created by nature and man, assuming that the difference between them is not as great as we can imagine. A bird's nest, African headdress or ancient scroll is juxtaposed with the work of Albrecht Durer, Helen Frankenthaler, Vincent Van Gogh, Barbara Hepworth, Pablo Picasso and Jackson Pollock, as well as the work of Prosec himself.

Based on site materials Yale University Art Gallery.