Time is in captivity

Exhibition February 19 − March 28, 2021
Studio "Temporal Reality" was founded by Vladislav Zubarev in the late 1970s and continued the artistic search for the famous studio "New Reality" Elia Belyutin.

The uniqueness of the studio's artistic experience lies in the fact that the collective has developed a very special form of time perception. Zubarev taught according to the author's self-developing methodological program. The participants focused on the duration of the creative process and its temporary nature, the physical understanding of the life of matter, the drama of attraction and repulsion.

In the studio, the participants developed artistic principles and ideas dedicated to the problem of time in art, and revealed new plastic qualities of various materials and compositional structures.

The studio members came from different professions and were at different levels of art education and skill. But thanks to Zubarev's teaching methodology, in the first two years, the works "Kinetic Painting - 4", "Model in the Interior" and the pictorial sculpture "Overspace" were already ready.

Exercise exercises precede painting. The main topic of the exercises was the questions of "mastering the time in art, the assertion of boundless creative self-discoveries of individuality." The search for a solution to the tasks in the studio "Temporal Reality" was carried out in graphics, painting, sculpture.

Despite the fact that in 2018 the studio celebrated its fortieth anniversary, the work has not stopped until now. In the studio at different times, about 150 people were engaged. New faces invariably find interest in the creative process of comprehending the theory of temporal art.

The exhibition presents painting, graphics, sculpture and photography, as well as films about V. Zubarev and the studio.