"Small" art

Exhibition May 27 − September 5, 2021
Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center presents an exhibition "Small" art ".

Visitors will see more than 130 works by Isaac Levitan, Vasily Polenov, Valentin Serov, Ilya Repin, Mikhail Vrubel, Konstantin Somov, Kazimir Malevich, Antonina Sofronova, Lev Bakst and other artists.

The exposition presents a collection of works that usually remain in storerooms (in folders, on shelves) after the main, "convincing" items have been selected for display. More often than not, small things do not get to openings, especially if it is only a sketch or an idea for a composition. But sometimes a small format forms the most significant part of an artist's legacy, preserving what is most important to understand about his talent. The very theme of "chamber" or "small" art arose largely in connection with the camp miniatures by Mikhail Sokolov. Once imprisoned, the artist tried to preserve the opportunity to work using materials available in the face of persecution. This is how a cycle of tiny works, close to the format of a matchbox, appeared.

Based on site materials Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center.

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