Saint Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky

Exhibition October 27, 2021 − January 18, 2022
The State Historical Museum (SHM) holds an exhibition To the 800th anniversary of the birth of the Saint Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky.

The exposition presents works of painting and icon painting, archaeological finds, numismatic monuments of the XIII-XX centuries devoted to the formation and evolution of the image of Prince Alexander Nevsky in history.

"The years of Alexander Nevsky's life came at a turning point in the history of Russia, when after the invasion of Batyi most of the Russian lands were defeated, and a new threat was coming from the north and west - the Swedes and the knights of the Livonian Order. The exhibition will show Prince Alexander Nevsky as a wise ruler, fearless warrior and military leader, as well as a revered Russian saint," says director Alexey Levykin.

Prepared according to the materials of the website GIM.