Icons of the imperial family's storerooms

Exhibition December 21, 2023 − February 11, 2024
The exhibition will present items that belonged to members of the Romanov family. They are masterpieces of painting and decorative-applied art, made by suppliers of the Imperial Court, and show the achievements of jewelry production technologies. Representatives of the dynasty received them as memorable gifts on the occasion of the birth of newborn babies and their coming of age - events in the private life of the Romanov family went beyond the usual family celebrations.

Among the exhibits from private collections are a fold created on the occasion of the birth (in the first year of life) of Grand Duke Nikolai Konstantinovich Romanov, the eldest child of Konstantin Nikolayevich, grandson of Emperor Nikolai I, and a fold presented to the heir tsesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich (future Emperor Nikolai II) by the guards of the Moscow bourgeois society in May 1886. The folding cloth presented to the crowned parents - Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna - by the abbot and brethren of the Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra is connected with the birth of Tsesarevich Alexis. The exhibition will feature a sewn icon from the collection of the Andrei Rublev Museum. The exhibition will feature a sewn icon from the collection of the Andrei Rublev Museum, also created on the occasion of the birth of the long-awaited heir to the reigning couple.

Curator of the exhibition - Head of the Department of Expertise and Artistic Conclusions J.G. Belik.